No video, but earlier today I was running the raid with a good group of friends. Everything was cool until we got to The Daughters. We ran through it really smoothly despite the problem. Here was the problem: one of my friends decided to stream it. And he had about 70 something people watching it at the time. Now here's the big kicker, his voice sounds like a 12 year old amped on sugar, and everyone began making fun of him about it. Some people started telling him that he'd never beat the raid, that he's trash and he should go back to bed, and pretty much any bad insult you could imagine. This made a lot of us angry. Our fireteam leader (name withheld in case of moderator attacks) started encouraging him. He kept him in the zone, made sure he ignored those guys and that he was calm. Now, here's one thing to consider: he's autistic. So he isn't very good in these situations. And no one in the chat knew that and they just kept being overall (pardon my language) dicks. And whenever he got worked up, he got really emotional and overreacted about every little thing. (Not in the angry kind of way, but in the more [b][i]fearing[/i][/b] scheme of things). We made him turn off the stream, and just kept going. But for that time, he didn't break, and he did fine. He calmed down, and he didn't give up. We never beat oryx, but we plan to kick him in the rear tomorrow.
Our autistic friend was getting cyberbullied on stream, and we helped him through it.[spoiler]Please don't leave any hateful comments. Thanks in advance.[/spoiler]
You guys got this! Oryx is honestly the easiest part of the raid. Just keep communication up and play on each other's strengths. Tell your friend to keep blasting away, bullies are just sad people looking for company at the bottom.
To be blunt and honest what the -blam!- did he expect? If he sounds like a little kid "Amped up on sugar" then he was asking to be made fun of. If you dont have a good voice then you probabaly shouldnt stream DERP
He put himself out there for the world to see. The vast, vast majority of those losers bullying him wouldn't even dare to do that. You're friend has some guts and he should feel proud. Keep going mate!
Woops, didn't know he was autistic, sorry about all that.
Hey man let me know if you guys need any help on the raid, my friends little brother was bullied on a game before and he broke down. (Also has autism) Neverbackdown772
Just saying nobody cares about your use of language. Say ass, [u]f[/u]uck, dick, and shit. We won't mind at all.
I used to have a neighbor who was autistic when I was little and I can't tell you how many fights I got into with people for making fun of him. Loved that kid to death and his autism was pretty bad
It takes guts to put yourself out there, especially on stream. You are all good people to help him through it, and you all sound like good friends anyone would be fortunate to have. To your friend who was harassed, keep doing what you're doing, and don't let anyone tear you down. It's been my experience that people who bully others do so because they are envious, hurting, powerless, or feeling inadequate. Once you understand this, nothing they say can hurt you. Stay strong, keep playing, and have fun.
From someone who personally has Asperger's Syndrome, I tip my hat to you and your friends sir. Good job!
Pm me. I can give him some satisfaction by getting back at them for him.
How is this a question?
I'm autistic as well and if your friend has a PS4, I'll be happy to help get through Oryx.
This is a huge problem in gaming in general unfortunately! I have a 14 year old son who had a major anaphylaxis allergic reaction to penicillin when he was a year and a half old. It left him with some brain damage and he is having a hard time trying to learn to read but is otherwise brilliant. But because it takes him a time or two or if he tells somebody the spelling of a weapon or armor people immediately harass him. We are both die hard destiny players and he is better than me. Thankfully he got through oryx the other night and that made him so happy. He was able to figure out daughters no problem and caught on quickly with oryx. Had a few other fireteams not kicked him just because he didnt know how to read something then he would have beat it weeks ago. Hopefully he finds more people that are understanding of his problems in the future! And just want to say thank you to the good people that are patient and help him out!
If people were causing trouble then shut the stream down. Easy as that.
Hit me up if you need any help if your on ps4
Smh some ppl can't be happy unless they bully and put others down
Raided with a bloke like this a couple of weeks ago... Got super excited and over exaggerated every call out... One person in the raid kept having a go, I just told to bloke to calm down, it's only a game... Doesn't matter if we wipe... It doesn't matter if it was your fault (he died a lot) it's a game and if you get over hyped and over react to the bad... You will not have a fun time... He calmed down, we took down oryx next run
Unfortunately that's the Internet. People are a**holes.
How about not mentioning the comments? Problem solved.
This isn't meant to be mean or insulting, but if he has trouble in situations like that he probably shouldn't stream. The Internet is a hateful place, sadly destiny seems to bring out the worst in people, just look around these forums
Edited by Doc: 10/18/2015 2:21:39 PMYa.... That's the Internet. People think it's OK to be tool bags to complete strangers that may have problems like your friend, anger, depression and anxiety disorder. Can really be hurt by some a@$ hat over the Internet.
Those guys who bullied him can go to hell
Can you private message me his twitch I would love to watch the stream. I have a 4 year old with Autism. So this hits home with me. Also I'd love to help with Oryx if you guys ever need help. GT riverfox
The sooner you accept that no one gives a shit about you or your feelings in life, the better off you'll be.
Who cares?
why did i have to read this nonsense