Ive had two friends become mentally ill to some degree because of weed, it can also cause birth problems. My stupid friend Michelle who smokes weed got pregnant and her baby is -blam!-ed up mentally and physically cuz she smoked during pregnancy
No; Marijuana corrects most neural disorders as well as a few psychological ones; If your friends went crazy or had pregnancy complications; Its cuz they have something hereditary or suffered a break of some kind (could have happened while they were high but not as a result of being high) and with the pregnancy thats from something else i guarantee it.
........i will say that that makes sense. But its not true, the pregnancy thing might be true but weed does make you sad, trust me on that
Edited by BKU Mako: 10/17/2015 8:16:26 PMNo, weed does NOT make you feel sad. LACK of weed makes you sad, as over time, you produce [i]slightly[/i] less dopamine on your own. As far as her baby goes, cannabis WILL NOT HARM A FETUS. It is one of THE SAFEST THINGS a pregnant mother-to-be can ingest for morning sickness. Ask your gf's OB/GYN, sometime. www.norml.org If anything, her baby has problems because she was drinking before she knew she was pregnant, or smoking cigarettes, or just got the short end of the stick. There is, literally, ZERO chance that cannabis is to blame.
But if you never smoke weed than you never get depressed from the lack of dopamine, the ultimate cause is smoking weed the proximate is lack of weed
Either way, you get depressed because you aren't producing dopamine. Point proven because that is a harmful side effect
That effect is mild, at best, unless you have a genetic predisposition for depression. In fact, it is often used to TREAT depression.
No it is often used to treat seizers or erratic organ functions.
I'll give it to you that I'm not actually seeing depression on this particular list, though I'm well-aware of its prescribability for depression. Here's a quick rundown of what it DOES help with: http://norml.org/library/recent-research-on-medical-marijuana
Weed makes you depressed because weed causes a dopamine rush and your brain will use it as its primary source of dopamine and stop making it on its own so you become depressed whenever you aren't smoking weed and weed will have a weaker affect every time you smoke it making you more and more depressed.
10+ years, no increase in depression, ultra rapid cycling bipolar. I've only been helped. Think what you want, though.