I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
Edited by CrystalRain: 10/15/2015 5:21:19 AMHonestly, I think it's disgusting. I hate it. I hate the smell of it. I've never seen anyone's life get any better because they started smoking weed. If you smoke weed, I won't try to force my straightedge lifestyle on you, but I also won't become very close with you as a person, and I won't encourage it in any way. However, I do think that medical marijuana is fine - if you're smoking it for legitimate medical purposes, then that's great. Go you. But when it starts becoming just a recreational high that you are wasting your money, your time, and your life on, that's when I have a problem with it. It repulses me.