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Edited by Jcaf8: 10/24/2015 6:58:33 PM

A Simple life of an Exo, Episode one part two

"Oh, great. Wonder if he's a scrub..." Beta walked over with weber, chatting about the time he boasted in crucible only to be destroyed in the right side by a shotgun The lock channeled void energy and summoned a huge bomb of void, leaving a huge fog behind of the void energy. He still has another pike coming in, and this one was wolves. "Hey how are-" "AHH! Oh, it's another guardian. If like to talk but right now I'm busy getting shot at." The confused Beta and unnamed lock now took their attention to a couple wolves accompanied by a scorch cannon Beta took out a fusion and started shooting at a dreg, and the lock next to him using a strange scout rifle that looked very odd. Beta decided to focus on the people killing them for now. After a mix of solar and Arc light, they finished off the last horde. The scorch cannon laid off to the side, still active. "So uh, you're welcome?" Beta arrogantly told the lock. "I was fine by myself, I could handle some fallen. Now what's with the attitude? And where'd you get the blade?" "Oh, you know, it was simple:I stole a crystal of an ancient sword from a god, then I put that crystal into another sword and went on a wild goose chase for different materials. The usual. What's up with the scout?" Beta tried to touch it but for some reason couldn't. He couldn't even touch it. What was this sorcery? "The gun is called Tlaloc, I'll have you know, and I need to get back to the tower and report to Ikora thank you very much." the lock replied "Wait! Before you go, what's your name?" "What's it matter to you and your titan knowledge? Not like it would get through..." "I'll have you know I'm not dumb! I-" "Yeah that's great, but I'm off to ikora, maybe I'll see you around, sorry for giving you a hard time." And with that he dissipated into nothing. "Well, I guess we are done here. Wanna head back to zavala and maybe take some steam off in the crucible?" Weber asked the annoyed Exo "Hmm.... Get yelled at by shaxx while other guardians kill me non stop, making me relive the pain of death every time.... Or I can do talk to zavala. I think I'll go with the first one." chapter index [b]Next chapter:crucible moments[/b]
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