I like your idea of a quest involving the cards that would be turned in to a complete record that you can read. There is just so much awesome story and lore that many people don't even know about because they never read the cards on the app.
Thank you for making great points and adding to this topic. Your input is invaluable 👍
Also along with that, we have these titles we have earned right before the release of ttk. I was the oracle seeker. My friend got the doom bringer. Other friends got other titles like unbeatable and stuff. Those should be included in-game where your player card is. And it's not something you can choose it just takes your highest rated titles and throws it in. If you got doom bringer for doing "xyz" and you did that 2000 times that's your highest rated one. If you did something else more that warranted something else you get whatever that was. And the npcs call you that instead of "gaurdians, hunter, warlock ,or titan" it would give you more of a sense of being a great gaurdian like Osiris or toland.
It's been on my mind for a while I just never found a thread that could help me put it into better words. Hopefully they see it and make something happen.
I hope so...