[quote]The only thing strict gun control laws will do ia make it harder for honest citizens to protect them and their loved ones. Gun control and gun laws are and never will be the answer. If that is true the city of Chicago, who has the strictest gun control laws in the nation, would have the lowest gun related homicides. They don't and a couple years ago had well over 500. Whereas Texas who has the least strict gun laws, has one of the lowest gun related homicides each year. If you still think they are an answer, take a look at history. Before Hitler took over Germany he took away the people's guns.
My proposition to this problem is simple. The first is to create a task force who sole duty is to handle the black market trading of firearms. The 2nd would be to have teachers at all public schools, from elementary to college, be police trained in firearms and to conceal carry when at school. That certification would need recertification each year. I would also implement metal detecters at entrances to schools. There needs to be a deterrent to people choosing these places. The other thing that needs to be done is something with bullying. Which seems to to lurk somewhere at the heart of this.[/quote]
[i][b]creds to NERDY_GURU[/b][/i]
[i]saw this posted in a reply, not my own words but i agree with his point in this, if you have another potential solution or just something to say about this please leave a reply, no flaming and be respectful of other peoples opinions[/i]
[b]Heres a poll for everyone to put their input on the matter:[/b]
[b]100 replies whaaaat?[/b]
Give students guns. Problem Solved
Americans are bad at solving things sometimes
Torture then kill anyone who commits a violent crime. Watch the crime rate drop.
Don't want more shootings in schools? Ban schools. Problem solved.
Hilter did not take away the guns. He actually loosen gun laws. He did however ban gun sales to Jews.
[quote]Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium.[/quote]
I think it's too late for anything to be done about it in the U.S. Too many guns :P
Honestly try to relieve stress in schools. The amount of stress school has on kids and teenagers is pretty huge.
Okay, bear with me here. How about we stop ostracizing people so they stop shooting people? Or you know, everyone can continue to be dickwads and push kids over the edge so they do something stupid.
I disagree with having teachers carry guns. Gun training, sure, but not carry. Keep an armed officer on campus and maybe, [i]MAYBE[/i] keep some guns locked, up in the office. Kids goof off all the time and try to get into everything. Sometimes they succeed. Putting a gun in the classroom is just asking for some kid to "rise to the challenge".
Vote for Clinton if you want stricter gun control laws
My thing is...when a shooter comes up in a class room...why dont they attack the shooter ?
Don't tell kids how to use them. Or at least switch off the safety.
If we kill everyone then nobody can kill anyone!
Put up more 'Gun Free Zone' signs. The criminals and mentally unstable will surely stop and drop their weapons.
Jail any media professionals who report on them. If you stop giving these killers a path to seek infamy, you might just see it drop to nothing.
Abolish CNN and Fox, that way the Grinch wearing a mask and holding a gun won't steal Christmas.
Almost 100% are the parents faults because they don't invest any time In being there for their kids. They just don't care
Almost all of that is wrong, though.
Edited by weeb: 10/14/2015 1:18:21 AMVery strict gun control and build a 100 foot wall at the south border.
If all the kids were aborted, there would be no one to shoot
[quote]solutions[/quote] kek
Parents need to be more involved with their children's lives. If they know they have problems they should talk to their child about it.
Bramd - old
I can see it now on Oprah: [quote]you get a gun. You get a gun! YOU ALL GET A GUN!!![/quote] -
Bramd - old
Hitler only took guns so soldiers could use em