Nobody cares what fox says and if you do then you are one of the literal retards
This gave me Cancer Note: the link is a troll Rick roll video and cofirmed OP gone Full retard, never go Full retard.
What do you have against autistic people? You're clearly the one who can't grasp satire.
I dont see a satire tag and why the hell would i click on a link stating fox to verify if its a fox article when i already stated fox is shit?
The irony. It burns. It hurts that your vote counts the same as mine.
Does it hurt being so damn retarded?
You're the one here who is stupid. Clearly you should tell me.
Edited by Razor Ramon: 10/12/2015 1:33:28 AMYoure the stupid one for failing to understand that i wont waste my time verifying some link because i already stated that fox was shit in my original post. So please child run along now (Maybe go back to cosplaying gay destiny characters in ama threads)
I have no words for your (lack) of intelligence. You know why you read links? So you don't sound ignorant, which you do [b]right now. [/b]
Why are you so dumb? Seriously fox is bullshit to begin with right? So knowing that why would i care to click a link that says fox when i dont even care what the article is about to begin with? The point of my comment is that i dont care what fox has to say about anything Its really not that difficult to understand I have zero reason to click that link and see what it is because i dont care Okay ttyl kiddo have fun at school tomorrow
Let me summarise your opinion. "I'm a moron. I'm uninformed. I choose to be uninformed. You are stupid for calling me out for choosing to be uninformed." Sound, sound logic. Also, tomorrow's Columbus day.
You are a literal retard arent you?
And you are a buffoon.
I summoned butthurt over you, please take a chill pill
-blam!- off child
The liberal [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] in its purest form!
I am voting for trudeau
Good reply. Maybe read the post next time.
And you are a sheep for believing what you read in a title and commenting without actually going over the post.
Looks like its about fox to me you -blam!-ing autistic -blam!-
Wow, someone needed more hugs growing up...
You didn't read it lol. You read the title and replied.
Why would i click a foxnews link?
Because you can't believe a -blam!-ing thing people post on these forums? Lol.
Alright see ya kid