Hung Jury is better than Jade Rabbit, Boolean, ToM, and any other scout rifle hands down.
Never would I have thought I'd leave New Monarchy to join the cowards of Dead Orbit, but my god, this scout is just too good, I'd be a fool not to jump ship.
I'm a happy coward now rocking my Hung Jury now.
Kudos to the man or woman or designed this beast.
Dead orbit aren't cowards
I want elemental infusions so bad. Would literally just have solar, void, arc version of the Hung Jury.
Hung jury is pretty garbage i dont like it Played on a friends account once
Have it at 310, my go to weapon for the raid. Joined fwc for the rocket, for crucible and iron banner
Anyone care to explain to me why this weapon is good? I've seen a lot of talk about it lately and I'm curios. Also, is it worth my legendary marks? I planned on buying the Y2 version of TLW or Red Death for Crucible but hey if this is top PvE gun then I could buy this too. Also, does it compete with raid weapons? I'm in love with the pulse rifle to be honest
Tlaloc >
My Tread Upon Stars would like to have a word with you. My Hung Jury is in early retirement thanks to it.
- Mfw my tread upon stars has explosive rounds and firefly.
Edited by KamakaZ: 10/10/2015 1:02:20 AMDoes it cover a lot of the screen? A friend of mine got an Omolon Scout Rifle and it was huge. Besides: NL Shadow 701X FTW!
I tried hung but I love my omolon tuonela, max stability and firefly
My Tlaloc would like to have a conversation with your hung jury.
Cowards of dead orbit? Bah, new monarchy are the cowards.
check the scout of my male warlock, got it from NF, dropped at 299, hung jury clone, ; )
Bought the vendor one, made it 310, beast.
It makes me think less about my VoC. I loved that gun but Hung Jury is one fine piece of weaponry.
Tlaloc is better.
Is it bad I dismantled that gun?......4 times.....
What is a good roll?
I did the same and its best legendary for me in the taken king. Does wear my hand out a bit though
I still like my last exterimity better. Maybe it's just my rolls.
I agree
Right as you said Jade Rabbit, I laughed...
Taloc is better. Warlock Masterrace!!
Haterade sipper called herself a coward
I love the gun but the glare that comes off it is killer.