How does Oryx only drop gauntlets and 2 shards as a final reward? I had 33 moldering shards before the fight, they took my 20 and I got 2 shards as a reward. Gauntlets for the 4TH TIME, and not only that but it's only 1 attack level higher than the ones I got on my first raid. They need to look at this. Moldering shards should not be a reward for 20 moldering shards. And we had people get the Helm, and chest for the first time in 1 drop. Total garbage.
Your moms loot table is trash
Edited by ghostx78x: 11/8/2015 2:58:02 AM2 weeks of HM raid completions on 3 characters and played up to Oryx the first week on 3 characters. Ive gotten maybe 4 decent drops the last 2 weeks. If you count up your chance for harrowed drops- that's 36 the last 2 weeks with 4 pieces 315 or above. My point is I bought HoW and Ce and played Vog starting in late June and had good guardians teach me the ropes. I had everything in the game except a few exotic bounties, a crux, and black hammer by the time TTK released. Those who are saying the TTK reward drops are like VoG, maybe it was different in the beginning? Idk but to me TTK rates are pitiful and the weapons are just infusion material compared to other raid weapons. Just my opinion and Ill be back on tuesday to try again for sure, but yeah- its not looking good. We'll see what happens with the new difficulty- I hope they fix the rewards.
Vog drop rate? Quit bitching I'm getting shit on too but at least it's not as bad as vog
You people are degenerate. I got a 300 Smite of Meridian. I infused into my No Time To Explain. I got 300 boots. 310 Harrowed Chest Piece. I've even got shard from oryx. But, that doesn't bother me. Sure, it frustrates me in that hour, but I don't hold a grudge on it. If I get better loot I'm happy. If I don't I infuse or dismantle. I know the raid's loot system is a little dissatisfying, but the Loot isn't the main reason I play the raid. I play the raid to have fun. It's all about the experience. I find that playing things casually in this game feel much more satisfying than playing sweaty.
There seem to be a big misunderstanding in the community. my post will most likely drown with the rest. but here is the info. oryx always gives 2 molderings shards. regardless of if you have 20, or don't have 20. this is a reward just like the other bosses/fights. If you get the loot the OP did the following things happened. 1. 2 moldering for killing oryx. 2. 20 moldering turned into gloves. 3. oryx dropped no loot like the others bosses does sometimes. how do I know this? it's very simple. oryx loot table is primary weapons and head. moldering shards can also give oryx loot. this confuses people even more because when oryx drops nothing and the moldering turns into a primary people just assume oryx gave you 20 mold for 2. moldering always works like it's supposed to. you guys just doesn't know how they work.
So far I've gotten: Boots Chest Fusion Auto Rifle Scout Pulse Scout and Pulse had got tier perks
Kill Oryx. Takes 20 shards. I get 2. Just 2. I enjoy the raid, but to go through and get 2 for 20 kills my incentive.
I got 2 auto rifles from him in one drop they were 305 and 300
So far shotgun x5, chest x5 and 1 300 ghost. I actually deleted my Titan and made a second hunter because the loot was pissing me off so bad. (I will bring him back eventually...)
I completely agree with the one drop and two shards I think that's bull shit. I kinda understand it because the twenty shards can give you any raid drop and technically shards are a raid drop but that shit shouldn't count it's pretty stupid the damn things should be a guarantee armor or weapon all the time
Using 20 moldering shards I got the helmet, another pair of gauntlets, the auto and more moldering shards, so I would say the loot system is fine
Exactly what happened to me and the gauntlets were -blam!-ing 300 light
Edited by Lich: 10/11/2015 2:49:58 PMI don't even think moldering shards work at all. I did a raid once with 57 shards best oryx and got a shotgun I already had and had 47shards left
I had the same loot drop also this week
Haha dude I literally had the same drop, except I only got shards straight up until Oryx. so 17 shards and 1 arm piece
Edited by Bertyslick: 10/11/2015 1:32:58 AMI'm 304 light and just keeping getting duplicates that are 1 or 2 attack/defense higher yet I seen these kids running it first time and getting the helmet and scout rifle with high attack/defense.
Need 1 golgoroth cp
Yeah, I got 303 gauntlets and 2 shards today. And he stole 20 shards
I've got my 3rd shotgun from it
Is that why I got a suros regime from the oryx chest at 310 :3
At least u got gauntlet. I only got a ghost shell
I think we were spoiled with crota.
ran once got 2 scout rifles and a helmet
Yeah it's bullshit to get 2 shards for 20. I'd think it was fine if you got any level loot as long as it was real loot but literally every single time I've had 20 shards, I've just gotten 2 more shards for them. It's kinda busted.
me 20 moldering shards = 2 titan mantles : (
Oh you didn't get a 310 scout rifle with firefly, a 310 helmet, and a Y2 Jellyhorn? You must be so entitled to shit that life must be so hard for you otherwise.