I mean sunbreaker is a good class and is by far a good choice for both pve and pvp, buts not the most overpowered...remember how the golden gun can one shot any super, remember how nightstalker can kick you out of any super, and remember how bladedabcer is the fastest class and how in an update bungi said how they "boosted the power of golden gun so it will kill the hunter class BLADEDANCER..so no sunbreaker isn't OP if you look at statistics.
If you don't die from a high impact sniper rifle headshot, you might be overpowered
I like how that's every class no matter what sooo, there's your invalid point
You can kill a self res warlock off a res.. A storm Caller You can kill a Bladedancer. A golden Gun You can even kill a blessed defender titan My invalid point
What invalid is its about supers and out of nowhere you brought up snipers that can kill any super no matter what So again an invalid point for the topic
It's about supers, and sunbreaker not being "overpowered" it's the only super that you walk/float around with that can't be one shotted with a high impact sniper rifle, therefore the reason for bringing up the sniper rifle, is to show why it's op