... You have 3 titans. Maybe if you used a little more variety you wouldn't dismiss actual issues in the game. As someone who uses all the classes, I can tell you that sunbreaker needs a nerf. Not a huge one, maybe just a blast radius and number of hammers nerf. You know, so killing 6 people with one super takes more skill.
I have 1 and it's not op if I can get 1 shotted by a powerful sniper. But strange because I can take a golden gun bullet. It just needs to be tweaked not nerfed
Yes, tweaking would include what? A debuff to something on the titan, a change that makes it more difficult? That would be called a nerf, good sir. I don't want it removed completely, just balanced like bungie said it would be.
Yeah because bungee are great at "balancing" remember auto rifles?
Do you know how difficult it is to land those kinds of shots on a Titan, let alone any moving/airborn target? I've done it only once to a Hammer Titan. It was also not one headshot. The headshot did about as much as a golden gun and then the Titan was taken out by a teammate. And yes, since I do main a hunter, I'm very upset the there's a new class that survives golden gun shots even after Bungie upped the attack on them.
Okay it's just the fact that you now know what a support class is. You are feeling what all warlocks and Titans have felt in pvp since day 1
Edited by diy900: 10/7/2015 4:12:11 AMIt need to have the damage reduction reduced a bit and I feel the hammer explosions are a bit too big. Other than that I think it's fine