I pull my revolvers, viola grabs her assault rifle, and we take our aim
*I tap my sword and It flies around killing a group*
I fire 12 rounds into the skulls of enemies, and Viola gives suppressive fire.
*a spear flies towards me but I catch it as you see my symbiote activating and I catch it and throw it back*
I keep shooting but aim my right hand revolver at sithis, as I don't trust his symbiote
*I turn as I see a spesr flying towards Viola and I jump infront of it and push Viola*
JT moves his revolver, trusting the symbiote now, and Viola looks at sithis, lying under him Viola: well, you finally made it on top of me. *she then slips out from under you and keeps firing at the Romans
Nice.....joke....... *Sithis stands up looking a bit demonic* They messed up....... *I touch my scythe and It turns a darker color and before you and Viola can see the groups are dead*
Viola looks visibly scared, but lowers her gun Viola: how do we get out of here?
I....don't.....know..... *Sithid falls over clearly exhausted*
Viola kneels next to you, and checks if you are okay.
Edited by CzanMan02: 10/6/2015 12:06:24 AMDouble post.
*Im breathing but clearly out of energy and im also injured from that spear I took for her*
JT: you're going to kill me for this... *i uncork the vial and pour it in your mouth, and the effects last a minute and wear off, healing you
*when I wake I look at you wirh a pure hatred look then I see Viola and calm down*
The vial wears off You're alive, calm down asshat
Being a god of death sucks.
Heh. You learn to love it.
Well...... *I stand up using my sword as a cane* We won for now.....we should go ba- *A figure appears and grabs me and you can feel my spiritual pressure by a church looking building*
You gotta be fūcking kidding me. I rush over, and the scenery turns into hell, and everything reminds JT of rescuing mandalore. [spoiler]i get what you're doing you sly bastard[/spoiler]
Edited by CzanMan02: 10/6/2015 1:18:54 AM[spoiler]hey, Sirhis has to be evil sometimes. This is a plot I thought of awhile ago Viola just ads a new factor. Also, remember the spell.[/spoiler] *as you get closer you and Viola can see Sithis arm raising out of the church as it explodes*
JT: Viola, activate protocol "colossus rising" Viola: already done *viola directly controls sithis, making him lift JT into the tower, to see if mandalore is there. He opens the doors, and walks in the room. [spoiler]you really want to -blam!- with JT? Have him see the general he hates with a passion kill mandalore. [/spoiler]
*When Viola does this Sithis infects Jt's brain making him see Mandalore being shot in the head and having Viola see everyone dead now that she has feelings*
[spoiler]jt is a living spirit inhabiting the body, so it has no effect[/spoiler] Viola falls to her knees and starts crying her ass off
*she sees a evil Sithis above her looking at her*
She charges him with extreme force