JT: here, drink this
*he tosses a small green vial onto your lap
Care to become god of death? Only lasts 20 minutes that vial, but I can channel it whenever so long as I summon my little shit son.
JT walks out, unscathed Viola, give me a sitr-holy shit what is sithis kicking the shit out of himself for?! viola: we need to leave, now:
*Sithis is digging in the dust*
JT climbs the Athena pantheon with Viola
*you notice Sithis is gone and when you get to the top you see Sithis at the feet of a female that has the presence of a goddess*
I drink a vial, and get my godship back Viola, leave. Take sithis with you She obeys
[spoiler]I assume Viola makes Sithis follow.[/spoiler] *Sithis follows Viola seeming to fight himself.*
I look at Athena "So, What're you goddess of?
Im the greek goddess Athena.....if you dont know what im the god of I will have ny father Zeus kill you. *she readies a spear* Im taking Sithis as a trophy to the void.....or atleast I was till the girl infiltrated the mind I took.
*i raise an assault rifle* Athena. Daughter of Zeus, goddess of war and strategy. I'll kill you before allowing you to take sithis
*she stiffles out a laugh* What is that rectangular object? *she throws a spear at you then aummons another and stabs you*
I don't even flinch, pull the spear, and laugh. You do know who you are fighting, right? *i pull a 1911 semi and shoot her kneecaps*
*she raises a sheild amd blocks them* No, I do not. *she throws a spear at your knees*
I pull it out, again, no problem I am JT, brother of Cthulhu, and god of death
Wonderful. Your head would be a great trophy. *She takes out a swords and stabs you*
As she tries, I move out of the way and open an abyssal portal, then close it, trapping her. Alright, Athena defeated. When can I go home? I ask myself
*You see a rose where you defeated Sithis and inside ot says* [i]3 people can go forward in time one with red hair another with red around his eyes. The last is a problematic person who might no dtay alive at this rate[/i]
Sithis has red eyes, and Viola has the red hair
*on the other side there are 3 small rosses that you can feel can be broken to return to the normal time.*
Viola and sithis return by JT's side Viola: well, who goes back unscathed, and who dies *jt takes the death pedal, already being dead, and they all return
*Sithis is shaking when they get back in a ball on the ground*
Viola looks at sithis Viola:you okay?
I attacked my friends...... [spoiler]Sithis has had problems with attacking friends before and when he is human and does it it leaves him in a horrid state till one of em stops him.[/spoiler] *he keeps repeating those words*
Viola: you had no choice. Come on, I know something that'll make you feel better. [spoiler]new post. [/spoiler]