Viola is walking past, and sees sithis and rushes over
I leave you for 20 minutes, the hell happened?!
*Sithis has a ancient spear in his stomach and is passed out from blood loss*
Viola pulls the spear out, cuts her sleeve off, and the other, ties them together, and wraps it around you, then JT arrives, and carries you to the medbay
*wakes a few hours later* did I get in the medbay?
Viola is sitting beside you. Viola: JT and I carried you JT: I did, she pulled a spear out of you and used her sleeves as bandages
*looks at wound then at Viola then blushes* Um.....thanks.....but, that stuff that happened was a type of time distortion magyk that can bring anything from anywhere in time. I would demonstrate but I just became human thus my wounds will stay till they heal normally and I cant do magyk.
JT: here, drink this *he tosses a small green vial onto your lap Care to become god of death? Only lasts 20 minutes that vial, but I can channel it whenever so long as I summon my little shit son.
Nah.......ill deal with the injury I was stupid enough to get........ [spoiler]as soon as I typed this I thought "Viola can make me drink it....."[/spoiler]
Viola: c'mon, drink up. You won't feel anything but love, friendship, respect and hatred though. JT: that's the reason I got rid of my godship.
Fine...... *he drinks it* [spoiler]btw, if Viola ever makes Sithis do something have her tap his shoulder or neck or something, just so I know.[/spoiler]
Your vision starts to fade, and everything has a red glow to it, and you feel angry, but look at your friends and feel respect and friendship. JT: relax, you get used to it.
This....needs to end, I literally feel angey and calm at the same time.......Jt, how did you stand this?
JT: you eventually get used to it. You want to end it? Shoot yourself, or wait 5 minutes. I have you a weak dosage.
*waits out 5 minutes*
The red starts to fade, and you feel normal. Viola: you good man?
I dont know.....I don't feel the need to kill half of the ships population so im good. Though, I am a human with only light shadow abilities and soul reaper powers.
JT: well, I'm going to assume that's normal for you. Anyways. You should be fine now.
Yeah, but those time distortion people are not gonna wait. *Sithis stands and gets his sword as it turns into a scythe* [i][b]Bankai![/b][/i] *The scythe goes into two as he changes into black armor* Well, im gonna go kill them. You cant stop me even though ill probably be killed. *He goes and uses a spell that seems like he is trying to contact his Sister*
[spoiler]i assume you're bringing in your alt?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]nah, its never been connected to destiny so its banned.[/spoiler] Elise:you want a portal? Sithis:yeah. Elise: fine. *A portal opens in the hanger and Sithis walks towards it* [spoiler]woth the power alpha has, she can save him or let him die.....thoigh if she stops him he may become suicidal if he has no reason for vengeance or a person who he likes like him back.Choose carefully.[/spoiler] [spoiler]also, plots are combining since I like the current concept running though my nindmind[/spoiler]
Viola and JT accompany sithis, but JT drinks a vial and puts his hood up to mask his signal [spoiler]JT has felt the loss of too many friends to go down without a fight, and viola is extremely loyal[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ok.[/spoiler] *Sithis, Jt, And Viola walk through the portal and when we go through we are in ancient Greece*
*i grab a nearby stick, some duck tape and an elastic I had on me, and make a slingshot.*
Ok then...... *we see roman troops* Why are their romans here?
The roman invasion?
Nah, its to early in history for that. *a few groups of Roman soldiers souround us*