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originally posted in: So I'm a BUTTHURT HUNTER?
10/3/2015 3:38:50 PM
You say you can't balance a game on exotics, but you HAVE to. If there existed a piece of gear that gave titans an extra hammer or two, i guarantee you'd be in here screaming nerf while quoting numbers granted from that exotic. Why? Because it'd be the natural choice for pvp gear. Second, gg doesn't go through walls, if that's what you mean, no. Of course it doesn't. However, it does go in a straight line, which means you never have to worry about arcing it into a ceiling/tree/etc and wasting a shot with that. Third, i wouldn't want HoS to be timed with a certain number of shots, no. It would ruin it for pve. However, gg also has a pve option that allows you to basically wait out the timer to get a perfect shot, and you only have to pull the trigger once and you do twice the damage of a normal, full gg. They're functionally different supers, and i want it to stay that way, i was (again) just noting those differences for someone who appeared to be either ignorant of them or (more likely, given the nature of your post) wilfully disregarding them. Fourth, and this is a big one: you, yourself, pointed out, HoS is a short-mid range super; gg is long range. When both are used at appropriate distances from combat, gg should win every time. When it tangles with HoS inside its most effective range, the gg user shouldn't expect to win reliably. This isn't an issue, it's working as intended, and balance in action. Finally, if you've never used something in pvp, you have no right to speak. Just because you play your class incorrectly and it gets beaten out by someone playing theirs properly, don't expect bungie to whip out the nerf hammer.

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