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Edited by GunzGames: 9/30/2015 10:25:13 AM

Bungie's Defintion of "Drop" : Something to radically piss players off.

At it again complaining about something new! You know, the thing I'll say about my last thread, "Bungie couldn't balance a cup on a table.". Hindsight is 20/20. A lot of these adjustments feel "better" with year 2 weapons, but a lot of my argument is still right with some things to a certain degree. However this thread will focus on Exotic drop rate, (not the lack their of, but the repetition of those you already have), and how pointless moldering shards feel. So Exotics. You know, once i had 3 Exotic Special Weapon Engrams. I'm thinking "Oh man, Telesto? Maybe Here After? Ohhhh Mannn! No. Nope. Nah...Not even close. That Cryptarch sure as shit got his smug ass grin back, and i instantly bought me a Cryptarch troll face t-shirt because.... FREAKING 3, COUNT THEM! 3 INVECTIVES! IN A ROW! Ohhhh and that was just the start, JUST the start. Bungie: "[i][b]We've changed the loot system so you get less of what you already have, and higher chance to get new things[/b][/i]." Really? When? In a test build that we never -blam!-ing got? I mean, if this system was even kind of effective i would not get 3 Invectives in a row, Oh btw, I already had one, I bought it because i wanted a reliable shotgun that I knew well for PVP. So 4 Invectives. ...Along with 2 Suros Regimes (bought a new one of them as well!), 3 Hawk moons, (oh Shit bought it too!) 3 Saint-14's, 2 Skullforts, 2 Truth's, and 2 4th horseman's. I have gotten No new Exotics except for 1 Titan helm, and Quest Exotics i earned myself. Like really? Reallllyyy? And I double checked ya know, Does RNGesus have a thing against me right now, or is it everyone? And most of my friends agree, its everyone. They all seem to get the same exotics over and over and over. On the Upside, i have no shortage of Exotic Shards. On the down side, I decrpyted half of these when i was 303 Light. Not a single 310 Exotic. Not a single one. None. It's broke, fix it. Now on to Moldering Shards and raid loot. 4 Bosses, not including what i call the Demon door, which can give you a Ghost, Fusion rifle, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, or LMG from what I've seen. I have yet to find any site that can reliably and fully cite me what each boss can drop loot wise. That isn't the issue. The issue is these -blam!-ing... [b]Moldering... Shards. [/b] I've used [b]20 [/b]of them 3 times on Oryx. On 2 Occasion I only got 1 Item from Oryx when they were used. What is the point of using them? I feel like its a complete rip off system. The description reads: " [i] Extra rewards will be granted when defeating Oryx in the King's Fall Raid with at least 20 of these. [/i] " , which is a complete lie. It SHOULD read, " [i] [u]Oryx is still cackling his Chitin ass off at you, as he floats towards Saturn, cause he still won.[/u] [/i] ". The one time i did get an extra item from Oryx using the shards it was an Exotic.... [spoiler][b]AND IT WAS MOTHER -blam!-ING INVECTIVE![/b][/spoiler] So please Bungie...We really hate being decieved, Especially when you are actually giving us good content. A turd in the middle of a nice meal, ruins the whole meal, for everyone.

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