I know you were......"made"......to die, but I don't want you dead
"I'm scared for once" -He starts crying slightly-
Stop trying to trick me
"I didn't think you'd believe me" -He wipes his face- "But I am"
Haha (If you read her bio, she hates men that lie or other things of the sort)
(Ah I see) "Well i'll be on the roof if you need me for anything" -He get's up struggling-
*she sighs and helps you up*
"Thank you"
*she sighs again*
"Sorry i'm a bit of a burdon huh"
Shut up
"Huh?" -He looks at you with a questionative look-
Just leave. Your going to eventually, I know it, so just get it over with
"I'll stay here as long as I can"
Uh huh
"Right then, I see i'm not wanted so i'll just stay on the roof for now"
No, you lied and I know you'll keep lying. It's how you people are
"What people?"
Literally every person that comes to this store and I start trusting after they stay for a little bit
"Well we all have somewhere we need to go but sometimes we came back"
"You know I don't care if you will kill me but so be it I atleast want to die with some bliss" -He kisses her-
*she becomes flustered*
-He does not pull away and put's his hand on her face drawing her closer-
*she tries to pull away, but stops*
-he breaks away to catch his breath- "So is that enough for you to trust me"