I know you were......"made"......to die, but I don't want you dead
"Why i'm not that good of a person some would cheer for my death"
And what about others? Last time I checked, you wanted to get to know me better
"True but i'm me why would you want me around"
You know what? Fine. Leave. Go get yourself killed. I'll just sit here making weapons over and over, nothing else. I'm sure you'll have a fun time dead. *she gets up, takes goggles, and walks into her room, slamming the door*
"Wait I- What did I do" -He runs his hands over his face, and starts trying to sit up at least-
*you hear her lock the door*
"I'm not trying to leave so you can unlock it!" -He starts to get up but falls catching himself-
*she says nothing*
"Damnit i'm doing this because I love you!"
No your not. *she was sitting at the door*
"What do you mean" -He get's back up managing to stand-
If your going to leave, just leave. You obviously don't care
"I'm not going to leave i'm going to make some good breakfest you burned the eggs" -He laughs and then clutches at his chest- "Oh still hurts to laugh"
*you hear nothing*
"Corra?" -He listens on the other side-
*you hear crying*
"Hey you ok" -He starts trying to open the door-
*it's locked*
"Hey i'm not leaving okay" -He sit's down by the door also, closing his eyes and listens to her to see if she's saying anything he can't hear-
*you just hear tears*
Edited by BlindSwift: 10/1/2015 10:32:38 PM"Corra please i'm not going to leave I know that i'd die and I couldn't put myself to hurt you like that" -He starts to remember his past-
Stop lying
"I'm not going to honest, i'll stay by your side the whole time"
*you here more tears*
"Corra please don't cry I won't leave"