originally posted in:RUE
The "greater good" can kiss my ass. What greater good? The hordes of sniveling, crying people who can't [i]stand[/i] when someone points out the faults in their game? The ones who can't understand crude humor? The ones whose "feelings" matter more than other people?
Yeah, no. This place is just a congregation for fools now, apart from the few individuals who make this place tolerable.
The greater good is the sensible people who don't wanna see porn or gore in offtopic.
K, so why not IP ban those who post that, instead of initiating a forum wide restriction of those not affiliated with Destiny?
Because Destiny is Bungie's main focus. If you're not a fan of Destiny, you're not a fan of Bungie anymore.
Oh, ok. So if, say, I'm not a fan of Windows 10, I'm automatically not a fan of Microsoft? Your logic is so, so -blam!-ed. I hope you know that.
Edited by Lethenza: 10/1/2015 4:24:55 PMIt's not. You just refuse to accept the truth. And an OS change is different. Your Microsoft comparison made no sense. It'd be more like if Microsoft sold Windows and started a new OS you didn't like. You wouldn't be a fan of Microsoft anymore.
Edited by GribbyMcGrub: 10/1/2015 4:48:18 PMThe truth? Your thinly wrapped veil of acquiescence with Bungie is the truth? Way to invalidate your argument. As for your other point, if Microsoft went and created another OS, and it was mediocre, would I still be a fan of them? Yes. Now if they purposefully advertise their new product, cut and replace most of their content, and continued to lie to their fanbase; would I still be a fan? No.
Your comment started off making no sense and ended up on a completely different topic. I'm sorry, but your nonsense is wasting my time.
It doesn't make sense to those who lacked the ability to critically think in the first place. Keep being a sheep.
You sound like a teenager throwing a temper tantrum "Bungie not play the game I want so I I'm going to go home, you all suck forever I HATE YOU" -cries- That's what you sound like right now
Seems like you approve of Bungie's obvious disregard for preserving its community, and are rather happy that they're cutting off the roots of their origins. Your type of people make me sick. You condone the obvious narrowmindedness of Bungie, and when presented with why, you respond, "it's their game, they can do what they want." Does that make it right? No. Inb4 "but muh cuhputilism".
Edited by III URBAN III: 10/1/2015 4:14:05 PMUnfortunately while I feel for those that will lose their accounts it is for the best, I'm on these forums everyday and see the shit the Bungie and the mods have to put up with, most of it isn't even constructive criticism, it's just people being complete nobs. People need to realise that Halo is gone from Bungie.net, I know a lot of guys here built a foundation of groups and friends based on their love for the games, but that's not Bungies fault they still linger here and they have moved on now. This move is just a sure fire way of saying if you value your account, don't be a dick and you'll be cool. It might not stop people creating alts linked to Destiny that are then used to continue being arseholes, but I can't say I'd know anyone in their right mind that would go through the effort of making account after account. Besides, if your email is tied to your PSN/XBOX account, if that email were to be banned from forum access you'd need to make a whole new account AND spend money on a monthly/quarterly/yearly membership to connect to their Destiny servers, though I think you can connect for free, im not sure, going through all that is a ballache Doesn't sound like a fun process to me.
Things that you disagree with tend to stand out more than those you don't. As for the Halo days, I could care less about that. What matters to me is, though, the fact that I can't interact with members of the community without having to have owned and played Destiny. The way they introduced this feature as well was sudden, and not at all planned well, if at all. Then comes the apology from DeeJ, the expected response, the amount of -blam!-s Bungie gives, so on, so on... I was perfectly content to have fun with other members, be it in insanely stupid ways and such. But now I can't. I have no desire to stay with the amount of -blam!-ery that Bungie pulls on us.
I thought you could still use community groups but not the forums?
I can, yes. But do you realize how much that limits a person? A group is fun and all, but when you interact with the same few people everyday, you desire new aquaintances, new interactions. PMs are a largely unnecessary part of it. Being unable to input your opinion on a thread you find interesting or interact with it at all vexes me to no end. There's a sense of belonging to a community when you interact with it often, and being stripped of that ability is one of the worst moves Bungie has made yet.
It's website for a video game. The fact that you're getting this worked up is sad. Bungie has moved on from Halo. If "Bungie fans" aren't moving on with them, then they aren't Bungie fans anymore. Sad, but true.
I'm getting a [i]bit[/i] worked up due to the fact at how sudden Bungie implemented this rule, basically saying, "Oh, you like it here? You like this community? Oh what's that? You don't play Destiny? Oh, well too -blam!-ing bad for you, get the -blam!- out of here". If you condone this, I seriously question your mental health.
This community is the Destiny community now, as sad as that is for some. If you want to keep being a part of it, Destiny is the only way to do so. If you want to stay a fan of Halo, the 343i forums is a good place for you.
Then change the name to destiny.net. There's no reason not to anymore. "-blam!- anyone who doesn't want to buy the game and wants to enjoy the community, if you don't have our game, get the -blam!- out".
There's already a Destiny.net, it's a marketing website owned by Activision...
Haha... Ha...