Nope, you can only get four of them but i think there was a way to duplicate them? By normal means apparently you should still be just short of rank 5, unless you glitched them/duplicated them
Edited by Dizco Pat: 10/1/2015 12:23:09 AMI'm just short of 4. I didn't do the nightfall or double the test weapons the first week and I've only found 3 but they were all #4. If they truly don't duplicate then the 3 of coins on draksis must have messed it up because people in another thread are also talking about several they received from that.
Reaaaalllllyyyyy? Fusion rifle parts from draksis? Interesting but hard to believe
They're a random drop. You kill something enough times and it is bound to happen. Draksis probably died in the high hundreds of thousands of times that weekend alone.
Yeah but you can only get 4 of them, so those people (it sounds like) simply hadnt had their fourth yet, not so interesting