Why you assume I'm being gay, why you assume I'm a guy, why you no ask questions?
Don't you know that girls don't exist?
Then what would your aversion to guys be? How can girls not exist if I am one?
Did you know that your entire life is a lie?
How is my entire life a lie? Is it as much of a lie as your "big dick"? [spoiler]jk, I bet its very nice :)[/spoiler]
Are you flirting with me?
Are you flattering yourself, would you like it if I flirted with you?
Would you be upset if I told you I was engaged?
Do you think anything fun can really happen over the internet? How old are you?
Do you not know what a joke is?
What, are you not engaged? Is that your way of saying you want me to flirt with you ;)?
Did you know that fun doesn't have to be sexual?
Don't I like to have a little fun with people on my thread? What do you want to talk about?
I'm not sure what I want to talk about, what about you?
Why don't you tell me a little about yourself, so I know more about you?
Well, my name is navy seal, now what about you?
That wasn't much info was it :( ? I'll be a little more specific: my name is Brooke, what would you like to know about me?
I don't have any specific questions, is there anything else you want to tell me?
Not really, I don't like to talk about myself a whole lot like most girls, I'm in high school and I love it, would you like to take another shot at telling me about you?
What would you like to know?
Asl XD? Why don't you tell me whatever you want to?
I don't have anything in mind, since you are so interested in me, why don't you ask the questions?
Why you assume I am so interested in you? What if I'm just trying to be nice? Didn't I just ask three questions (one of which I already know)?
I guess you could be trying to be polite, and I thought you said "asl" as a joke, but I don't have anything in mind to talk about, so is there anything else you want to talk about?
Edited by Phøtøn: 9/29/2015 1:42:17 AMWhat kind of a person are you? Based on your original post, you seem like you have a darker shade of humor, but then you were mature and didn't want to have a sexual conversation, why don't you tell me about that?