Valus Taaruc is glitched right now... which is why you are not getting drops...
Not valus, the cabal boss before you fight oryx.
ahhhhh I just thought he meant Valus Taaruc my bad!
wat? The Thagomisers gauntlet dude? I just got an exotic chest piece of him lol. Still waiting for gauntlets tho.
yeah they removed valus from the playlist (I did like 60 runs yesterday and not one was valus) because people were reporting he wasn't even dropping blues. not even on Heroic. I never saw a post from Bungie saying they removed him from the list but I was frequently getting him last week and then when people said they aren't getting drops and I don't get him once? he was removed because of this issue.
Hmm you mean Rocket Mc Dickface... Now when you mention it... Last time I got him was indeed last week.