Simple poll. What buddy do you use when you go into a new mission in MGSV?
Every time you view this thread and don't bump, a cute animal dies.
I'm redoing my plAy thru so I can have 100%. Then I'll use the scripts to get here back
I use quiet. She's a great distraction sniping people
Used to be quiet, then she died and I realized how boss d-dog is because he doesn't need a line of sight to find enemies
Edited by Puckish Rogue: 9/29/2015 12:03:09 AMI chose D-dog [spoiler]only because quiet is gone now.[/spoiler]
- many people don't know the power of D-Walker. Literally can be the stealth ninja robot or a tank that's faster than any vehicle or skull
Bump for cute animal :3
Quiet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
D-Dog is the best.
I used quiet for most of my missions Unlocking the silenced guilty butterfly allowed Me to wipe out entire outposts and get a distraction at the same time D-walker - is used for missions with the skulls (especially extreme versions) D-dog - I rarely use anymore but now in starting to get used to him again D-horse - I only use him for transportation on certain missions that have rough terrain Besides that I just spawn in a car
To save the cute animal
Edited by Sapphire: 9/28/2015 5:12:47 AMI have the maximum bond level with Quiet and I'm only at like 30% completion of the game, lol... I liked D Horse but now that I can have a vehicle... it isn't too needed.
Quiet rekts
That does not surprise me. Quiet and D-dog being the most chosen buddy's. They both have great usefulness in stealth operations. Though quiet is also great for when you need to go on the offense. Either way I use both evenly. Though d-dog is still my favorite. I just like stealth a bit more and d-dogs automatic tracking is a bit more automatic than quiet. He can sniff out enemies indoors too. While quiet's scout command only seems to be limited to bases and outdoor only. (She can miss a few, though point them all out way before you even reach the base.) Guess they both have advantages.
D-Dog all day. Quiet has to have her hand held too much. If I forget to tell her what to do, shes basically useless. D-Horse is cool, but he can't cut it against D-Dog. Haven't really used D-Walker yet, but I do have everything unlocked for him.
DD and quiet
Animals die all the time though, why would i feel bad. A squirrel probably got hit around the corner. Bambi probably was staring at some lights.
what type of animal?