As in water melons packed with explosives, sound fun?
Doesn't that sound *puts on sunglasses* jolly af?
Oooooh yea, what kind of sight do you want?
Which gun did you give me, the AK or the m14 or the shotgun, what did ya give me buddy?
Which do you want to shoot the most?
Well, I think all of them would be fun to shoot, but I've shot shotguns and rifles before, so I think I'll take my first AR, what do you think?
I think that's good, can I go get some lights? Its getting dark.
Absolutely, would you like me to accompany you? [spoiler]Out of curiosity, where do you live? You can just tell me time zone if you like, or not at all if you are uncomfortable.[/spoiler]
Edited by FussySky123: 10/7/2015 2:22:41 AMCool cool, these lights are very high quality, you like them?
[quote]Cool cool, these lights are very high quality, you like them?[/quote] I live in New Jersey, what about you?
Why wouldn't I like them, especially if they are practical for our purposes? (This doesn't all need to be in questions, I'm not going to at least) I live in Missouri. I actually went to Connecticut and New York last summer, beautiful over there. Have you been to NYC?
Awesome, now what sight do you want? And yea I've been to New York City, it's pretty cool. I went to the top of the Empire State Building that was cool.
Well, what sights do you have? Worst case iron sights always have an elegant simplicity to them, am I right? I actually went to the top of an observation building a block or two away from the empire state building. It was a camp's field trip, so I didn't get to freely roam the city like I would have liked to. Did you feel like it was a wow factor at first and then a descent into, "Yep, that's NYC, and I've seen it, yep..."?
(Am I double posting a lot?)
It's fine, we all do it hahaha
Actually, how about explosive jugs of gasoline? (Ok lol!)
Jesus H. Christ, where the hell were you planning on going shooting so we don't wake up the entire state? (BTW, did you see my other post, the one specifying my sight and talking more about NY?)
I was planning on going to Mexico? I don't think so, What did it say? And FYI I will be away for the weekend and there may or may not be wifi there, so I might not be able to answer you.
Why should we go to Mexico? Why don't we shoot something a little less explosive so we can go ahead and do it wherever? [quote]I got to see some naked women in Time's Square, so that was pretty cool. The group I was in almost got ran over by a few different taxis, so that was cool, too, but in a different way.[/quote] You are completely fine, don't worry about it :) Have fun wherever it is you are going.
Ok, we can just stick with the melons. Cool cool, sounds like fun. We will have to pick up this conversation when I get back. I have to get up early so gnight. (I'm going to WV btw)
You didn't ask a question, why? (It's fine if you don't want to talk in questions now, unless you enjoy it like me) Alrighty, have a safe trip. WV is pretty cool, I've only been there when I had to make a connecting flight from Connecticut back to Missouri, but I've heard about it. Message me when you get back if you like ;)
I have 4x zoom, 8x zoom, a red dot sight, or iron sights (which are indeed elegant) which would you like? Yea that was pretty much my reaction though, there are a few nut cases roaming the streets but other than that it's a cool place. Broadway is cool though, also I think there are a bit too many people there for me.
I'm feeling the red dot sight, what are you going to use? I got to see some naked women in Time's Square, so that was pretty cool. The group I was in almost got ran over by a few different taxis, so that was cool, too, but in a different way.
I have 4x zoom, 8x zoom, irons (which are indeed elegant) or a red dot. What would you like to use? Yea that's pretty much what my reaction was, there are a few nut cases roaming the streets but other than that it's pretty neat. Broadway is awesome though.
Good, do you want tracer, explosive or incendiary rounds? (Cool cool, I really like nyc it's a cool place. I've been to the top of the Empire State Building that was cool.