Yeah, they totally didn't rule trials with the 80% damage burn grenades and their self Rez.
On average Warlocks barely break 1.0 kdr. No, self res was so bad. All you had to do was lock him down: once they self res you put two shotguns to his face and he's down again. Or a sniper bullet (which is why High impact snipers is a thing), either way.
Speaking for yourself when you say barely breaking 1.0? I have over a 1.4 in all game types. 1.6 in a few. How is that barely breaking 1.0 kd? Self Rez was good when you only had one person around you. You'd have to be an idiot to self Rez into 3 people.
According to Destiny Tracker since I'm above 1.5ish on my Warlock. That's called skill factor, which the general population are clueless of. Well, you're equally retarded if you split up... Soooooo. Yeah, go grab some statistics and come back with something substantial.
Funny, haven't you heard the saying... "Half the statistics found on the Internet is false." Don't think you have. And me saying a statement makes me nowhere near mentally retarded. I have nothing wrong with my brain. Learn the English language before you call me names.