[quote]It's not a balance of damage and survivability. Radiance is a balance, sunbreaker is a shit load of damage and a shit load of survivability.[/quote] play the class then complain.. Titan is ment to be first in ... Look at the lore
My Titan is at 296...
Sun breaker is not ment to die in pve ... Our melee sucks our grenades are decent or hammer is really all we have ... With heals ... So it's s damage bubble shield .. Hunters have dodge blink invis 3 arrows and spawn 8 orbs every time ... Not sure how Titan is op they have no dodge they are a bullet sponge so require healing for lack of evade or blink
They have a chest piece that gives them a dodge. Sunbreaker is OP as -blam!- in pvp. I could get into why it is, but I'd just be beating my head against a wall.
Edited by EyE4AnEyE13: 9/26/2015 4:27:38 PM[quote]They have a chest piece that gives them a dodge. Sunbreaker is OP as -blam!- in pvp. I could get into why it is, but I'd just be beating my head against a wall.[/quote] so is golden gun ... Golden gun even had 4 shots and blade dancer ... And not one -blam!- was given .. It's a new era the power has shifted
Sunbreaker is a combination of the best parts of golden gun with the best parts of bladedancer....
[quote]Sunbreaker is a combination of the best parts of golden gun with the best parts of bladedancer....[/quote] how so ? I see the golden gun but not bladedancer aside from hungering blade ...
Edited by Zebros: 9/26/2015 5:07:57 PMHealth resistance from bladedancer with double the ammo of golden gun. And hungering blade too
Yup, Golden Gun has 4 shots to 1hitkill but no extra health and Bladedancer has double the health/armor. Sunbreaker has more than 4 shots with a AoE and Health Regen with double the health/armor. So basically Golden Gun and Arc Blade combined.