Did you know you could ( as a hunter) side step out of one of the hammers. They're pve trash, only time I found it actually useful was for the black spindle mission. Bubble over the other 2 sub classes, generation of orbs is horrible. In pvp you sacrifice survival for a bit of a longer kill streak and that's if you are good at throwing the hammer, you can throw a good 8, and most people land about 4. All you gotta do is run, when you see a blade dancer the first thing you do is get space between you and the other player. You hear a golden gun you know not to run around that corner too quickly. The only thing Titans have going for them is a sudden burst in kills cause of their super
If you expect a support class to do worse than an offensive super in pve, you're mistaken
Sun breaker is definitely not pve trash lol
Good for strikes, that's about it.
Sun breaker is really really good for clearing mobs and if you're not facing anything that'll one shot you melting point is amazing..