It's not a drug,it's a plant...of you happen to smoke it, there are some side can take 4 melitonine (herbal sleep,aid) and stay awake and have a similar feeling but take,too many your dead...
It's a drug. That can't even be argued.
Opinion cannot be argued
What are you talking about? That's not an opinion, it's a fact.
Lol I'm sorry man I just wanted to -blam!- with someone cobra little while sorry for wasting your time, at least you aren't a prick lol
K then. I was worried for a second you actually believed that lol
Ah ah thanks for being cool about it man
1. [i]melatonin.[/i] 2.It kills brain cells 3. See 1 and 2 again.
Sorry I didn't spell it right? And if it kills brain cells why did I graduate highschool with a 3.8 gpa. But started smoking in 7th grade?
Edited by ceabaek: 9/26/2015 2:05:07 AMIt a drug it always will be a drug.
So is alcohol a drug then?
Well then...good argument sir. Although I'm still pro maijuana ;)