I'm not bashing on Titans, I want to know what makes Sunbreaker a balanced sub-class. We know what makes Sunbreaker a "OP" subclass so my question to all of you is what makes it balanced.
Edit 1: Why is this being downvoted?
Edit 2: Some of you need to realize that I'm simply asking a question, nothing more.
Every single issue players have with this game links back to pve armor/weapons working in pvp and not a single person says a word. The crucible will [b][i]forever[/i][/b] be flawed until they design it as two [i]true[/i] seperate tiers of weapons/armor,remove ridiculous supers, and create a randomized spec type gun setup like AW did (and I despise COD)
Usually these questions are asked by those who haven't played enough of each class.
It's super is undeniably the best However the rest of the subclass perks are kind of shite. I would contrast it to the Nightstalker. Nightstalker has a meh PVP super but AMAZING abities
Do you really tag yourself in all your posts?
Edited by MysticalSnurtle: 9/26/2015 4:30:27 AMWell from a pure numbers perspective as of tonight Nightstalkers get 60% more super kills than Sunbreakers even though Nightstalkers only have 20% more players using them atm. Let's not forget that out of all the new subclasses Titans still have the fewest melee and grenade kills thus far. http://destinytracker.com/destiny/population
I can throw suppression grenades at them and laugh. I suppose if those didn't work on them (like they don't on bladedancer) I would be a little miffed.
It's a super that's active for about 30 Seconds if that. The other abilities aren't great.
The rest of the subclass. Most of the good sunbreaker perks are based around the super being ready or active, so when the super isn't up, the subclass is just meh. That's why classes like bladedancer and nightstalker and sunsingers are so good, they have tons of great abilities with great synergy, and the super is just an added bonus. Bladedancers have blink and blink strike and arcbolt and QuickDraw. Nightstalkers have shadestep and smoke and keen scout. Sunsingers have scorch shield and fire bolts with Viking funeral and touch of flame. Sunbreakers have... Short ranged melee and rather inconsistent sticky grenades? The subclass is based on the super, it's super should be the best.
Because it's a super, which means it has to be "super"?
Easy Sunbreaker kill: Grab your sword Catch it off guard Easy kill
I witnessed a sunbreaker and stormcaller go at it. Sunbreaker lost.
Edited by ILyncher: 9/26/2015 10:10:55 AMYou can one shot with a sniper rifle to the head,Oh wait!!
Bottom of the barrel grenades, melee, and agility.
People are just all on the bandwagon. Not taking into acct year 1 exotics may/may not be year two... That being said non level advantage pvp. Voidwalker is still OP Sunsinger is still OP Stormcaller is just as OP Gunslinger is OP Blade dancer is OP Void hunter is balanced and in a skilled players hands just as frustrating and OP. Given the initial perks and exotics these classes are still superior to all non SUNBREAKER Titans. That being said, these classes as a whole maybe/can be/ are just as good if not better than Sunbreaker class. After all, locks have blink shotty MELEE throw tracer nades ... Coupled with broken exotics! Hunter... We all know Titans are all gunplay and a ridiculous super! Get over it! The perks are nowhere near other classes for pure pvp dominance they just finally got that "All in battlefield commander" class that gets pissed once in a while AND destroys ALL THESE CLASSES ARE SLAYERS!
It's not balanced. The only good thing we have is the super. Most of the other perks are rubbish.
It is balanced on the hip of a Titan. That's where they have it.
It's balanced because the majority of people are not deaf, you hear the sound that accompanies the readying of all supers you get the -blam!- out of there, it is that simple, how are people not getting that, it's like the single most simple aspect of the game above point and shoot.
It's basically Golden Gun just with travel time on the hammers that are easily avoidable. Not overpowered at all, I have one of each class and it is just fine the way it is.
It's funny how they have more armor during hos than they do with defender lol
What makes it OP?
Now hunters know how it feels to get rekt by an op super. Come to think of it pretty much all of the Titan op super threads tend to be made by people who main a hunter. Weird.
It's balanced because it can walk on a tightrope without falling
Funny how absolutely nobody here seems to have a concrete answer.
A high impact sniper headshot won't kill them...
Edited by Drip Bandito: 9/26/2015 6:41:03 AM... Hmm THEY ARE OVER 9000
Pretty average grenades, worst melee range in the game that's probably it