I'm not bashing on Titans, I want to know what makes Sunbreaker a balanced sub-class. We know what makes Sunbreaker a "OP" subclass so my question to all of you is what makes it balanced.
Edit 1: Why is this being downvoted?
Edit 2: Some of you need to realize that I'm simply asking a question, nothing more.
Only crucible players make threads like these...
You just got the game, you have no say
based on its design, I feel like it would be balanced about 70% of the way up its handle
Edited by MrAnonymous0127: 9/26/2015 3:10:06 AMI think maybe a slight increase of the downward pull of the hammers would be adequate
Hammer of Sol is extremely well balanced. That's why Titans are able to throw them with such ease. Quality workmanship from that Sol guy.
Well you see, despite popular belief, the hammer of sol is not actually as elegant as one might imagine, mainly because the handle occupies far less space than the hammerhead itself. This leads to an inverse in pull upon the hammer's head, which can cause it to be ineffective at hitting nails, and generally any form of wood working. In order to balance this, I believe they need to put a counter weight on the handle, so that it may be used as a proper hammer would be.
I've been making quick work of them recently they're pretty balanced
Just remember to dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge. Youll be fine.
Reminds me of golden gun
It's not Blade dancer 10.2
Simmering flames. Grenade every 20 second👹
"Waaaah i keep getting killed by this class so it's op waaaaah"
It isn't. It's just barely begun to make up for all the BD, GG, NB, and SS scrubs that ruled crucible for a year. Funny, it wasn't a problem when the scales were tipped in [i]your[/i] favor.
When you get killed. Dont just start spamming the revive button. Wait your timer... problem solved.
In every way
I think the balance comes from the utility of the class kit. Just as the Blade Dancer had an amazing utility with awesome perks that had a multitude of depth to them useful for PvP and PvE. Sunbreakers make up is just rather, bleh. The Super is strong but that's about it.
It's balanced cause now Titans have a mobile multi kill super that didn't revolve around praying there was more then one or two people around that corner to make it effective. It's no different then golden gun in terms of killing prowess or arc blade for killing over distance
Two head shots with The Chaperone = problem solved
I think if any Stormcaller is op.
You can dodge a hammer but not a gunslinger or a bladedancer
Its gettting nerfed in the next weekly hit fix.
Simple [spoiler]if everyone's op, no one's op[/spoiler]
Well it gets 1 shot by golden gun. If someone is skilled, arc blade and storm trance and nova bomb are all ways to stop it. Bungie has said time and time again supers counter supers. If you've got a golden gun. Shoot the bastard. If you've got a bomb, blow him up. If you have a fist. Panic kill the crap out of him. It's honestly people who don't think to use their supers that don't kill the titans. Bullets don't work xD they heal after every kill
Dunno but I find it cool that most people with it barely hit if my movement is aerial and random.. I mean, it still has to be led to even hit a target
Some Titans need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that the sunbreaker is too op