I'm not bashing on Titans, I want to know what makes Sunbreaker a balanced sub-class. We know what makes Sunbreaker a "OP" subclass so my question to all of you is what makes it balanced.
Edit 1: Why is this being downvoted?
Edit 2: Some of you need to realize that I'm simply asking a question, nothing more.
Edited by Geppettophile: 9/26/2015 4:08:29 AMThis is balanced jk lol. As a titan I agree it needs a [b][i][u]small tweak[/u][/i][/b] idk what though. BTW me in the video.
It's balanced toward the bottom of the actual hammer head. The handle is surprisingly light.
They need to activate it to use it like golden gun. Not instant like fist of havoc or nova bomb.
I just think they need to bring the damage resistance in line with the other supers. It should not survive a golden gun or a snipe from a mid-high impact sniper.
Hunters need to be faster
Cause it's a super that kills with one hit just like the others.
I think the crucible is the most balanced it has ever been... I'm not claiming that as gospel, it's just my opinion. I've actually started playing PVP. That said. I think it might be a touch excessive that a sun breaker can survive as much damage as it can and pretty much instantly regen health on a kill as well. I could understand one or the other. I'm not crying for a nerf, I'm just stating my opinion. I've found it best to avoid sun breakers at all costs. Focused burst + decent agility means if i know where they popped it, they wont catch me unless i go full potato and let them. A lot of people in this game get pretty derpy right when their super runs out.
Edited by JAC-MAT-HAG: 9/26/2015 4:33:51 AMNO SUPER ISNT OP! Except for defender bubbles. Not complaining just stating that supers weren't made to be balanced.
I shot a titan with golden gun but somehow the bastard shrugged it off and sent a flaming hammer towards my face...
They're OP. But so are a ton of other supers. Every warlock super is OP and blade dancer is OP. It's just slightly more OP than the rest (but just barely more than storm caller and blade dancer.)
Edited by khuda88: 9/26/2015 4:27:29 AMAren't titans meant to be? you know, titanish? Lol There fine I think stormcaller needs a armour buff though
Probably because Titans did not really have a ranged subclass but it will probably get nerfed eventually like increase the time to get sun breaker
http://imgur.com/dSh8CMF?desktop=1 Needs change
It's not
Everyone hold deej already announced they are getting buffed
Like this: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Alpheus%20belulus/video/10324704
Ive never used such an OP super in my life lol. The only way I can describe it is by saying "I don't fear anything In my super." .__. I want it to be balanced but its so fun to use.
I balance mine on a lathe constructed from the bones of bitchass warlocks and little femme hunters. It's powered by their endless river of tears.
It's balanced by my skills. I even get killed with it in PvE
Becuase its their only super like GG
If you can dodge a hammer you can dodge a ball
Probably head heavy as it is a hammer.
Edited by Swarthy_Grandeur: 9/26/2015 2:46:43 AMLike Stromtrance and arc blade it provides an equal boost to armor/health and does equal damage as well. The myth of surviving GG are are completely false same go for talk of 1 hitting other supers of the same type. Titans however can not cover distance well with the lack of speed or blink ability so hammers are thrown. If HoS had to run through gun fire at titans' usual speed it would be too easy to kill especially by rockets and machine guns. An arch is added to make hammers need more talent for longer rang kills. Each hammer takes a church of energy to throw as well as sun charge to balance out the slightly slower natural drain and so it doesn't completely out do GG which doesn't drain each time it shoots. Compared to Stormtrance's lack of super drain on attacks it drain HoS end much quicker. Honestly idk why people think it's over powered but make a titan and see for yourself.
The hammer of sol is a slow projectile and can easily miss unlike golden gun.
I've only felt like Hammer of Sol was an issue on the small Mercury map with the portal. An opposing team had two or three Sunbreakers and one of them could get around most of the map killing most of our team and generating enough orbs to fuel the other two. I got a few "back in action" pins that round dieing from all the supers. That said I don't blame HoS specifically. Factors like a skill imbalance in teams probably added more to the issue in this case. While I take that match as evidence against HoS I hardly think it's conclusive. The number of matches that a team of Sunbreakers didn't significantly pull ahead is much greater.
Only crucible players make threads like these...