I'm not bashing on Titans, I want to know what makes Sunbreaker a balanced sub-class. We know what makes Sunbreaker a "OP" subclass so my question to all of you is what makes it balanced.
Edit 1: Why is this being downvoted?
Edit 2: Some of you need to realize that I'm simply asking a question, nothing more.
Pretty average grenades, worst melee range in the game that's probably it
Did you know you could ( as a hunter) side step out of one of the hammers. They're pve trash, only time I found it actually useful was for the black spindle mission. Bubble over the other 2 sub classes, generation of orbs is horrible. In pvp you sacrifice survival for a bit of a longer kill streak and that's if you are good at throwing the hammer, you can throw a good 8, and most people land about 4. All you gotta do is run, when you see a blade dancer the first thing you do is get space between you and the other player. You hear a golden gun you know not to run around that corner too quickly. The only thing Titans have going for them is a sudden burst in kills cause of their super
the only thing that needs to change, is GG should one shot hammer like hammer one shots a GG.
Have you ever seen it fly through the air? All I have to do is aim in the general direction of my target and my extremely balanced hammer will find them. I seriously doubt anyone has ever made any throwing weapon as balanced as my hammer. Next time you're on the receiving end of one make sure to hit record and watch in slow motion; the rotations on it are perfectly balanced and a testament to golden age engineering.
What makes it balanced is TITANS can FINALLY go against a Hunter's GOLDEN GUN/ARCBLADE and a Warlock BLINK!
A balanced subclass would need effective grenades, effective melee abilities that were worth risking for, an overall great super that can take,out majors or mobs quickly while generating a decent amount of orbs. Good perks to amplify abilities and/or super.
Throwing hammers should consume your super bar faster. Penalizing you if you miss a hammer. You should at max get 4~5 hammers per super. They are running wild in PvP as orb machines.
Ive been using it lately and its a little OP, I dont think its as bad as people make it out to be but its definitely OP.
Poor pve performance
Ask this guy, he can tell you how it's balanced...he'll even [i]show[/i] you. I heard he's working on a routine where he demonstrates the balance of a year one Hawkmoon that fires Wolfpack rounds that have the old Thorn DoT.
Dealing with awful grenades and worst melee in the game for 8 seconds of glory.
It's balanced because you can jump out of the way
It's balanced because TITANS can FINALLY go up against a Hunter's GoldenGun/Bladedancer and a Warlocks BLINK!
Edited by BunkerGATE13: 9/26/2015 5:02:15 AMAround the handle *only super is outstanding
I get one shotted frequently when welding my hammer. I put a rocket into a Stormcaller only to have it shrugged off...
It should have less armor while in super. You should be able to snipe him with a high impact sniper rifle like the 1000 yard stare.
Edited by Reylo_Romance: 9/26/2015 4:45:15 AMThe only thing that gives it an edge is the health regen after killing someone. I almost kill a sunbreaker then My stupid teammate charges and gets killed and then all my shots were worthless because of my worthless teammate. Ive seen too many stupid people allowing the sunbreaker to get health. I don't wanna say sunbreaker is so much op but rather teammates are stupid when encountering a sunbreaker. I run sunbreaker without that perk. I feel more safe being my hunter going invisible with arc blade and striking at the right time than I do sunbreaking
Neutral game: its still a titan. Which means the player skill is the variable. The are no passive skills. I believe the super has the highest cool down being above 5 mins not set up for intellect and 4 mins at its highest. Meaning if you're doo doo you'll see it twice a match. If you're gods gift to the pvp world 3-4? But you're already killing in high volumes so the super is icing on the cake.
Another QQ post from a hunter who got way too used to being the easiest class to play in pvp
Edited by The Senate: 9/26/2015 4:01:19 AMHow can you call something unbalanced when you main a hunter
Because the huge defence bonus balances with the huge offensive power.
The fact that the whole subclass just buffs it. There's barely independent perks. And they also focus on abilities.
What made bladedancers balanced for over a year? Was it quickdraw? Blink? Arc bolt grenades?
It's far from op.
Travel time, arch
Edited by Geppettophile: 9/26/2015 4:08:29 AMThis is balanced jk lol. As a titan I agree it needs a [b][i][u]small tweak[/u][/i][/b] idk what though. BTW me in the video.