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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
Edited by Moot: 9/27/2015 2:07:51 PM

Do you like destiny players?





I don't mind them


I have a hypothesis that the vast majority of the flood hates the destiny player base for some odd and likely unjustified reason. Consider this research.

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  • Yes, I am a destiny player never had one bad experience in game with others

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    • The Sad Part is... [b]We're all Desticles now[/b]

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    • I have nothing against Destiny players. In fact, I'd be more than happy to hang out on r/DestinyTheGame if I ever decided to play. What I hate is the Destiny community. Since that subforum went up, it has been nothing but a massive circlejerk and septic tank at the same time (kind of like a certain other infamous community on this very site). Aside from it being Flood tradition to perpetually hate the community of whatever game Bungie might be working on, it is also tradition for the community of said game to have the collective intellect of a garbage bag. I remember trying a few times to have a legitimate discussion on what I thought the game might be, and what I wanted to see in Destiny (starting a long time before Launch), only to have the discussion derail into some e-peen measuring contest between several children, for absolutely no reason. Sometimes I'd be flamed out of nowhere, simply because I suggested a (very reasonable) idea that someone abhorred so much, they were more offended than if you'd slapped their Mother. Every time Deej, Cozmo, or indeed any of the webteam decided to post, even in Offtopic, they would be immediately innundated with replies, baying for a nerf on some weapon, or just complaining about the game in general, and contributing to absolutely nothing in terms of discussion. Their general poor language skills are grating enough when you're trying to look for a decent opinion in those threads, too. Oh, and did I mention the revised rules that made it pretty much an instant ban if you insulted someone from that specific community, yet they were free to do all the flaming they wanted, and could even have Porn spam left up for a good 3 days before it was dealt with? Let's not forget that, despite having no less than 3 topics locked specifically for them, they still managed to rampantly mispost, to the point where almost everybody in #Community (including several good friends of mine) instantly left for ever, as every other subforum was drowned in Destiny topics, and the Moderators' hands were tied, they weren't allowed to move threads to their proper subforum thanks to the unclear description of each one. Now it's been relatively contained, but the damage was already done. Half the groups I used to like, and regularly hang out on, have been taken over by Destiny LFG, too, to such an extent where the Admins couldn't do anything about it, and decided to leave instead. I also hate that #Offtopic's current community are practically the same people, as Gimmick posting and spam is idolized instead of proper discussion. Want me to keep going? I'm not even 1/4 done in my reasoning here, but I think that'll do. So yeah, I feel I'm completely justified in my dislike of the Destiny community on

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      5 Replies
      • I don't mind Destiny players as a general whole. They can enjoy Destiny, and I'll enjoy other games.

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      • Depends on whether or not they are a whiny, entitled little bitch.

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        • To be honest I have nothing against them. Sure some of them may annoy me, but come on. All fanbases have those annoying diehard fans.

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          2 Replies
          • I play destiny, but I come here from time to time for some peace and whatnot. All I have to say... Is that most Destiny players are god damn horrible people.

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            Bramd - old

            Good b8 bro

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            • idc because I play it too, but I'm DEFINETLY not desticle. Desticles can be nice to talk with, but it's the younger ones that annoy the -blam!- outta you.

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            • Dude there are offtopic polls that indicate that 85% of offtopic play destiny.

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              3 Replies
              • I don't care considering I am one (high on flu medicine and thought screw it I'm going to buy that) I'm so ashamed of myself

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              • Monkeys

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                Bramd - old

                Think this. People who play destiny play other games too, so the people who play destiny are like people in other games

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              • I only get mad at the ones who don't post in the right forum.

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                2 Replies
                • No. Have you seen #Destiny?

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                • Short answer Yes Long answer NO

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                • Depends I hate the people that don't know what the word LEGACY means

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                  • Depends.

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                  • I don't hate them. I'm a part of the community. And I really don't get why everyone acts like someone -blam!-ed their mother when there's a Destiny post here.

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                  • No. I hate the fanboys that haven't hit puberty.

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                  • As long as they post in the correct forum.

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                  • As long as they don't use the Thorn or Last Word

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                    18 Replies
                    • No

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                    • I say no because blind fanboyism is the rule, not the exception.

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                    • Edited by LlestPanda: 9/26/2015 4:45:10 AM
                      I teabag all who said no

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                      • No

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