originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Hive list: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/158120299/0/0
Cabal list: TBA
Vex list: TBA
Taken list: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/165332065/0/0
In continuation with the #Scorekeeper posts, here is the Official List of Dead Fallen Leaders! Have a suggestion? Need to tell me how dumb I am because I left someone out? Put it in the comments!
All leaders are entered with the faction affiliation and rank at the point of death. Yes, Aksor was a King's archon priest BUT he was with Winter at his death therefore, under House Winter.
-Randal, the vandal
-Solkis (Former Kell)
-Sepiks (Prime)
-Sepiks-23 (Servitor)
-found sometimes in the S.A.B.E.R-2 strike
-Riksis (Archon)
-Karrhis (Archon rising)
-Naksis (Baron)
-Rahn (Captain)
-Seen on the tutorial mission "Restoration"
-Loksis (Vandal)
-public event VIP
-S.A.B.E.R-2 (Shank)
-Paskin (Baron)
-Vekis (Baron)
-Physkin (Baron)
-Frigoris (Baron)
-Elyksis (Wolf Rebel vandal)
-public event kill the target
-??? (Baron)
-Fights with Cayde-6 against the Hive
-Draksis (Kell)
-Aksor (Archon priest)
-Simiks-3 (High Servitor)
-Grayliks (Baron)
-Naksis (Baron)
-Skolas (Kell)
-Virixas (Former Kell)
-Orbiks (Prime)
-Keldar (Archon priest)
-Kalkis (High servitor)
-aka not Kalkis [b]prime[/b]
-Kalkis Reborn (Servitor)
-aka not Kalkis [b]prime[/b] or Kalkis
-Drevis (Leader of Silent Fang)
-a House of ??? mercenary
-Yevak (Baron)
-Irxis (Baron)
-Parixas (Baron)
-Skriviks (Baron)
-Skoriks (Archon-Slayer)
-Grayor (Wolf Assassin)
-Pirsis (Pallas-Bane)
-Kalkis-12 (High Servitor)
-Mecher Orbiks-11 (High Servitor)
-Saviks (Queenbreaker)
Kaliks (Kaliks Reborn from PoE, before captured) should be the Prime of the House of Kings
Do we have any idea how many barons a house generally has?
Edited by AggressiveBacon: 9/3/2016 10:30:15 PMDevils-9 Kell-X Prime-X Archon-X Condition:Dire Kings-3 Kell-O Prime-O Archon-O Condition:Stable Exile-3 Kell-N/A Prime-O Archon-N/A Condition:Unstable Winter-5 Kell-X Prime-X Archon-X Condition:Dire Wolves-23 (ouch) Kell-X Kell 2-X Prime-X Prime again-X Archon-X Condition:Likely Dissolved
My unknown Baron is still here
House of Judgement: - Everyone except Variks (People)
Pilot Servitor from POE?
Monster Hunter - old
I killed Randal -
I hope Oryx revives me so I can kill every hunter who took my cloak. -[i]The guy with no house.[/i]
Fallen Deity: -Randal the Vandal(immortal legend fallen tell their children to make them behave)
If you get a HVT patrol mission in the Divide on earth, sometimes it'll take you to fight a fallen archon or something in the breach, the one we saw in the infamous "If you can see it you can go there" reveal video. Can't remember his name, but he crawls out of a pipe(NOT Riksis from Restoration)
[i][b]Taniks has no house, he kneels for no bannerrrrrr[/b][/i]
If you are lucky, a fallen vandal named Elyksis, Wolf Rebel will spawn as a kill the target public event. He wares the colors of the House of Exile. I do not judge. I record.
You forgot Randal
I would love another fallen dlc with a raid on the house of kings
Iirc the Archon priest, aksor, was Archon to the Kings before being thrown in prison then being busted out by house winter.
I want to kill the house of kings kell
Man, we beat the shit out of Devils and Wolves.
Save for the Kings, we rekt the Fallen.
[i]Kings are just like "meh."[/i]
Edited by DownerDrow: 10/26/2015 3:12:23 PMWhat did I learn from this post, the house of wolves got -blam!-ed up
"Taniks has no banner" Drops house banner
House of Wolves got knocked the -blam!- out! Lol
Lhoks, exile baron. Taken on Venus patrol beacon
Edited by Joyaboi: 10/22/2015 3:03:51 AMAnd the crowd of Dreg's and Vandals drew silent. The sound of wind blowing across the frost bitten moon of Europa. And the Archon of Iron, Darkis stood, Ether leaking from his mask, blood from his severed arm. "I am Kell of Iron! We shall fear no House! Fear no Machine! No swarm! No Empire! We will be unstoppable! Now follow me into battle! Stop at nothing to reclaim glory!" It started with one dreg. Then all of them. Every vandal, every Captin and every Barron. All cheering. Shouting their joy and pride. "Now come! We have work to do."
Tutorial mission is called Rise of a Guardian. You can tell by looking at the profile of someone playing it. Also, [spoiler][b][i]IT'S IN THE WALLS[/i][/b][/spoiler]
Actually I'm still alive