Which classes fight the most?
Alternatively, which class hates the other the most?
Theoretically, of course. There is no real "class fights". That would be stupid.
Titan ANd hunter are almost the opposite of Eachother
It was all against Warlocks, but now it's Hunter vs Titan because of Sunbreaker
Warlocks got mad we could blink out of their nova bomb, could blade dance their asses out of radiance, could shoot them mid nova bomb and can now suppress their supers.
Lol hunter got beef with everyone.
Me hating you because class wars are retarded and for 10 year olds. Idiot
Here for fun. - old
Notice that hunters are in both major battles. But when it comes to warlocks and Titans, they look at eachother and go "ha bro your cool as shit" -
Ultimately everyone's going to have every class maxed eventually, not sure why class fights are even a thing.
Warlocks vs The World because it's all about that #WarlockMasterRace !!!
Hunters got mad that after an entire year titans finally got a good PvP subclass. Thats what started the entire fight
I don't hate any of the classes really... I'm just not crazy about blade dancer because I have a difficult time killing them in crucible, and a buddy of mine mains a BD, and tries to act like it's the greatest PVE class ever just because he can go invisible, which just isn't true.
It used to be Hunters vs Warlocks and Titans were just kinda there. Now Hunters are picking fights with Titans and Warlocks are just kinda there.
Edited by Fi: 9/25/2015 5:54:44 AMI hate how hunter get such bad rep. Am I the only hunter that doesn't complain or ask for nerfs?
Let's be honest, hunters really only have a bad rep on the forums because there is always some kid crying about what killed them. But in game we are all pretty cool.
Where's Hunter vs Titan&Warlock?
Hunters use to fight with warlocks and now Titans Always hating on anything that challenges their op class
I see us Titans as the peaceful ones with the warlocks but we have them hunters crying cause they can't kill us.
Edited by PiggyWhiteG: 9/24/2015 10:29:40 PMThis is a biased poll, hunters are clearly at an advantage because 9-16 year olds use them which comprises of about 70% of the bungie forums so not fair
Main All classes but I hate warlocks because they get their dicks sucked by BNG
It's Hunter vs Titan now.
I just think it's Hunter vs Everyone. Since they always seem to be some part of the fight.
I dont get it titans and hunters fight all the time but we should both hate those warlock fegs.
Hunters vs everyone else
It would be kinda interesting to see an event take place where you have class vs class in crucible events
These class vs class threads are childish BS.
Year one was hunters and warlocks because titans weren't great in pvp. Now that titans are good in pvp, the hunters are butting heads with them. Basically hunters are contentious pricks. (Not all of you though)
Yeahhh, just make a "hunters hate everyone" choice.