originally posted in:The Grandma Skolas Clan
This is a forum for all raids and other activities mainly the taken king.
Message me any time for help
Username - bogwom24
Join the clan - The Grandma Skolas Clan
Lf fresh kings fall raid in a 302 hunter black spindle sniper completed raid couple times experienced. Mic broke can hear invite Gt same as above
need 2 for nightfall
Need 5 for oryx Must be 295+ light and know what to do Msg me for invite Gt is same as above
Need 4 for warpreist checkpoint must know what you are doing gt same as above Xbox 360
Need 2 for nightfall
I have 5 people 290+ for kings fall raid Xbox 360 need 1 gt Gunfeatures
Xbox 360 kings fall raid 290+ light and must be good at PvE gt Gunfeatures
Oryx checkpoint need one with atleast 300 light MUST KNOW WHAT TO DO! We are very skilled msg lost x bigbird
Fresh kings fall raid. Must know what to do. Good weapons (snipers) must be 290+ light. Message xx lil daygo xx for inv.
Starting a fresh raid, haven't done it myself so would like at least 1 person who knows what's happening. Need 5 285+ Message TheMuffinMan347 for inv Xbox one
Need 2 guardians at 295+ light for the black spindle. Must know what to do as there isn't long till reset. Swords of a high level are preferable. Gt same, message for invite.
doing daily heroic, on the ketch, need 1 more
NEED 2 PEOPLE For daily heroic to get the black spindle on xbox 360 send me message for inv gt as above
Hosting kings fall warpriest cp [b]blind run[/b] (no guides, exp etc) NEED TWO. 285+ light and no exp past this cp required. Message for invite.
oryx cp. need 5. 290+ must have experience. have a good sniper. message me for a invite. gt same as above.
NEED 2 PEOPLE For daily heroic to get the black spindle on xbox 360 send me message for inv gt as above
Have gorgoloth cp 297 warlock need team message to join or inv
Need one more for exotic sniper msg for inv gt same
Looking for two 290+ light with void edge to complete complete the last part of "a sword reforged" message for invite gt same as above
Hosting kings fall warpriest cp [b]blind run[/b] (no guides, exp etc). 285+ light and no exp past this cp required. Reply and I'll pm you the details. Once a full team is made I'll invite you. May take a while to find people for blind, so be prepared to wait a while for a full team.
Need 4 for oryx 295+ light MSG Aloha JamesK
Need 2 for nf 285 light or more required message gt above
Need 2 for nf 285 light or more required message gt above
At oryx cp. MSG me for invite if you have done this before and have 295+ light.
Need 1 for black spindle quest 290+
Need 1 for night fall