originally posted in:The Grandma Skolas Clan
This is a forum for all raids and other activities mainly the taken king.
Message me any time for help
Username - bogwom24
Join the clan - The Grandma Skolas Clan
Anybody that needs help with Kings Raid Inv me, GT: Envore
Need 5 for sister cp on kings fall msg for inv 295+ only
Looking for people with 296+ light to do oryx. Need to have completed it before. Gt same as name. Must have a good sniper. Also need to have a mic.
Looking for 1 person do nightfall. Message MR SP00KY XIII the "0" are zeros
Lf 5 player for fresh raid start Requirements: Please be experienced Must be 290+ light or higher Gt same message me if you meet the requirements
Need 3 experianced players that have done the raid and either finished or know what there doing for oryx cp on kingsfall. Msg for inv gt: TehEmoMedic 290+ Light
Kings fall warpreist be 290+ msg for invite
Edited by TRUKLANKILL3R: 9/25/2015 2:31:56 AMNeed one for nightfall. Message TRUKLANKILL3R
Looking for 5 ppl for deathsinger cp on kings fall raid must be 290 plus with good snipers and experience gt is mob Ibn
Need 3 for vog
Need one for kings fall raid 290+ light
At golgorth's checkpoint in kings fall need 5 expericed 290+ players and please have mics GT ArchAngelZero0
Kings fall death singer cp need 2 experienced players
Kings Fall raid. Doing it from WarPriest I'm pretty sure, so pretty much fresh, need 4 more 290+ light. message Heist Siins for inv.
Looking for a group to help me do the raid or at least parts of it i have 292 light so message me if you want Gt is same
Need 1 kings fall death singers gt same as above
I have the war priest cp in the Kings Fall Raid that I would love some help with. Need 5 people with some experience on how to do it. Light level 290+
At golgaho need 1 message for inv
Need 2 for Taken king raid, 290+ light
Need 2 for nf
Need 2 for nightfall past warstat GT TheZeldaBomber
At war priest check point. Need 4 players with decent light level. Message same gt for inv.
Need one for oryx 295+ know what u r doing GT smithyjr96
need 1 for nf. message viva la nina
Need 4 Power the Glyph (Totems) 290+ GT: Moonlighht
Hi im looking for 4 really good players who know what they are doing in the raid must have a good sniper and be 290+ light. Must have a mic on xb360 msg vClikZ or v NIDO x thanks