originally posted in:The Grandma Skolas Clan
This is a forum for all raids and other activities mainly the taken king.
Message me any time for help
Username - bogwom24
Join the clan - The Grandma Skolas Clan
Need 3 for ogre cp gt:epiccatastrophi
Need help for nightfall need 1
Need 4 experianced players that have done the raid and either finished or know what there doing for oryx cp on kingsfall. Msg for inv gt: TehEmoMedic 293+ Light
Need 2 for nightfall message rev Jaspy
Looking for 3 experienced players to run kings fall fresh light 294 and up.gt:luky 7788
Hosting kings fall from oryx cp. be 295+ light and have good snipers and MG's. Message gamertag VonLegend with your light level for an invite. Please know what you're doing.
Need two for golgoroth cp ft same as user please have high impact sniper
Anyone for daily?? Gt above with capital i
Totems before war priest gamertag is the same
Hosting kings fall warpriest cp [b]blind run[/b] (no guides, exp etc.) NEED ONE. 285+ light and no experience past warpriest required (exp for warpriest fine). Reply and I'll pm you the details. Invites to game will happen only when a full team is formed. Due to the difficulty of making a blind run team, it may take a while to find 6; so only reply if you're willing to wait. The wait is always worth it however :)
Nightfall need 1-lvl40 guardian. Must have 280+ light. Message same GT on Xbox 360 for inv.
Need 5 experienced players for oryx Must have good snipers Need to be 294+ No exception
At golgorth's checkpoint in kings fall need 1 expericed 290+ players and please have mics GT ArchAngelZero0
Need 1 fresh kings fall 290+ GT Wwalker03 grabbin all fragments on the way, we already beat it
Daughters cp need 2
2 for nf 285+
Hosting kings fall warpriest cp [b]blind run[/b] (no guides, exp etc.) NEED ONE. 285+ light and no experience past warpriest required (exp for warpriest fine). Reply and I'll pm you the details. Invites to game will happen only when a full team is formed. Due to the difficulty of making a blind run team, it may take a while to find 6; so only reply if you're willing to wait. The wait is always worth it however :)
At golgorth's checkpoint in kings fall need 5 expericed 290+ players and please have mics GT ArchAngelZero0
Need 4 more for kings fall raid. Glyph cp message for invite. Gtag same as above
Looking for 3 more for kings fall raid we are at golgroth checkpoint. RECUIREMENTS: •lvl40 •must have kings fall raid unlockes •light 289-298 •dont be a D-bag •chilled out •and must have communications Message me or my friend OHHkillemxD334(mygtag) And my friend MOBxFOE #raid
need help on nightfall just need one more gt same as above
Need 1 person for tier 3 Court of Oryx CROTA EXPERIENCE PREFERRED (Mechanics are very similar) 280+ light GT same as above, msg for inv
Started nf. Need 1 more
2 for nightfall
Daughters cp, need 4. 295+ light please
Need 1 totems checkpoint gt is same as above message for invite