Hey Guys, just wanted to share my design for exotic armor.
Exotic Hunter Chest Piece
"Some Bladedancers have become obsessed with the ancient ways of the sword. We call then crazy to their faces but we're all scared to death of them." - Cayde-6.
Exotic Perk: Arc Edge (placeholder) change Arc Blade from Knife to sword.
This requires pro/cons list plus controls.
Pros: increased damage (beneficial in PvE.), defensive maneuver (Guard-Block), more reach (beneficial in PvP.), looks badass AF.
Cons: decreased mobility (cannot spam the infamous Slash&Dash, lunges less)
Essentially you are trading off mobility for more offensive power and defensive capabilities.
Controls: (PS4)
• L1: Throw Grenade
• L2: Guard Block
• R1: Sword Slash
• R2: Super Perk (Showstopper, Razors Edge, Vanish.)
Aesthetics: Ancient Samurai warrior body armor, if that wasn't appearant.
Small note about the Guard Block: this was a little tricky to balance because of the nature of the Sword Block (effective against 2/3 elements but weak to the 3rd.) what I decided was to have it effect all, but maybe not to the same extent.
Look, before you say it's OP, the point of it isn't to make them too scared of you coming for them, it's to make them too scared to come for you.
Check out my Portfolio for more, I designed a Raid Boss, my own exotic weapon, redesigned a Strike Boss, my own PvP map, a series of PvE quests on PvP maps... Etc. also my awesome Destiny Fanfic, Fireteam X!
My Portfolio: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/147136494/0/0
This sounds familiar... [spoiler][quote]I am Raiden, Jack is no more -Raiden, MGS4[/quote][/spoiler]