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Edited by Jabberjay626: 9/23/2015 2:32:42 AM

Bungie "solves" a problem by making it worse: Legendary Marks

10 marks per strike, 5 marks per crucible match


Keep Legendary marks system the way it is


Have marks be a reward for bounty completion?


So when bungie announced that there would no longer be a weekly cap on marks, people got super excited. Here's why: Pre-update 2.0, completing one strike in the strike playlist awarded 6 vanguard marks every time. Crucible matches awarded 3 or more Crucible marks at the end of every match. The key word here is [b]every.[/b] Marks would simply stop being earned at 100 marks per week. Post-update 2.0 however, neither strikes nor crucible matches award marks per [b]every completion.[/b] Marks are only awarded once for the daily heroic story and daily crucible gametype, and the first two or three completions in the heroic strike playlist. Also, since legendary marks are shared between characters, daily heroic story/crucible gametype can only be completed for marks [i]once per account, not per character.[/i] Bungie's attempt to make this currency more accessible has had the opposite effect. While there is no limit to how many marks you can earn per week, there is no way to earn more than roughly 40 marks per day (15 from crucible, 15 from daily heroic, not sure how many from heroic strikes just yet). Feel free to post in the comments with your own solution to this marks issue. EDIT: The solution I am seeing appear a lot in the comments is 5 marks per strike, and 3-5 marks per match, depending on win or loss. EDIT2: So after the weekly reset, I ran heroic playlist 5 times but only received 10 marks the first 3 times. Just my experience. I have yet to try this new crucible mode though... can anyone explain it to me? EDIT3: So I tried out the new crucible mode! Things to note: -The 10 Legendary marks reward is only awarded [b]if you win[/b] -Only a possible total of 30 marks can be won as of now, marks stop dropping after third win -It is still unclear if this is another daily crucible event that will award marks daily, or a weekly event that resets on Tuesday

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  • To everyone here, I don't think the OP is implying the marks are too hard for PvE, but rather, the PvP aspect of things. Sure you acquire 15 for doing one daily match, but what about after that? It's easy to say just do more PvE content, but the fact is, there was a perfect system in place beforehand that didn't require you to do so. Why they changed this is beyond me.

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