1.) [b][u]"$40 isn't that expensive."[/u][/b] You're right. But that doesn't mean they want to spend it on an expansion.
2.) [b][u]"$40 [i]is[/i] too expensive."[/u][/b] It's really not. But no one is going to force you to pay it. That's always an option, and no one has a right to judge you for it.
3.) [b][u]"You probably love riding Bungie's cock/sucking Bungie's dick."[/u][/b] Do I really even need to explain why people need to stop doing this? You're only making yourself look like an uneducated moron. Just stop.
4.) [b][u]"If you do/use ____, you're a scrub."[/u][/b] Shut up. Play how you want. Stop worrying about how everyone else plays. You'll probably be happier that way.
5.) [b][u]"You're KD/grimoire sucks."[/u][/b] Do those arbitrary numbers really mean that much to you? Do they [i]really?[/i]
6.) [b][u]"TTK is a scam!"[/u][/b] If you don't understand how capitalism works, you need to go back to school.
7.) [b][u]"PS exclusives are bullshit."[/u][/b] Exclusives have existed for a long time. Sony paid for it. Get over it.
8.) [b][u]"I'm quitting Destiny."[/u][/b] No you're not. That's why you're posting on the forums. You aren't quitting and you want attention. And if you actually [i]are[/i] quitting, why are you posting it on the forums?
9.) [b][u]The word "Desticle."[/u][/b] I like the game. And obviously, so do you if you are here on a forum about it. What does that make you?
10.) [b][u]"I EARNED my ____."[/u][/b] Do I [i]really[/i] have to go into an explanation as to why RNG proves you wrong?
11.) [b][u]"Xurners are ruining Destiny."[/u][/b] In a game with no trade system, what exactly is Xûr ruining?
12.) [b][u]"Who spends $20 on class items and dance emotes?"[/u][/b] Anyone who wants them. Do you really care that much, or are you looking for something to bitch about?
13.) [b][u]Biased Polls in general.[/u][/b] You can have an opinion. But making a biased poll doesn't make your opinion a fact.
14.) [b][u]"I have a life."[/u][/b] So does literally everyone else. Bragging about your personal responsibilities doesn't make you better than anyone else. Get over yourself.
15.) [b][u]"Destiny sucks."[/u][/b] Then why are you here?
Got anything to add? Post yours, and I'll add it to the list.
Additions from comments:
[b][u]The term "sweaty" or "tryhard."[/u][/b] Some people play to win. Like you're supposed to in a competition. How is that a bad thing?
Edited by Ashikon: 9/20/2015 10:35:42 PMAshikon
Monster Hunter - old
These days in recruitment "[b]Must Have-[/b]"