I'm not against them just because I have TTK. I disagree because I really don't understand how they imagine this is going to work. I really believe the reason they consolidated the Crucible playlist is to ensure players can actually find matches-- and don't forget, that affects TTK players too. It's not like I'm never going to feel the itch to play a few rounds of control on Y1 maps, but I've also played enough multiplayer games to know that consolidating game types isn't a bad way to ensure people can at least play SOMETHING. So I'm sort of OK with that.
The level cap thing is weird. I get that they increased the cap in the previous DLCs, but you guys do understand that the level reeeeeeaaaaally doesn't work like it did before, right? The only thing level is good for now is to gain access to TTK legendary gear-- which you can't get-- and to do post-Oryx story missions-- which you can't do. The Nightfalls and heroics only require you to be 40 because they require you to be around 260-280 light, which again, without TTK armor, you cannot do. So what is the point in allowing Y1 adherents to level up? It literally will not allow you to do anything.
It seems to me the only thing that is plausibly a legitimate concern is the strike playlists. And maybe they'll return them all to those people determined to sit on Y1. But TTK is honestly brilliant, and a massive improvement in a ton of ways, and if you're letting the fact that Bungie collapsed the strike playlist difficulties stop you from buying The Taken King then it seems like kind of a prat way to feel.
No mate I have not bought a single dlc simply because they proved they were liars from the get go. I was expecting a brilliant game and it was just garbage. The story missions I mean. I liked crucible. But I expected so much more from bungie, they promised us a story emersive game world and we're all still gonna be waiting for that in 10 years. I've completely given up on destiny now because I can't play the game modes I want, I'm forced to play salvage and control etc.. but I do come on the forum's once a day, more if im bored, just in the hope they release a new patch putting this stuff right. I couldn't care less about raids or strikes I want pvp back. Your point about merging all the game modes together is ridiculous though. I would much rather sit there for 5 mins waiting to get into a game that is using a vanilla map than be forced to play all different game modes. Why would you need to merge them all? Simply to annoy vanilla players and separate them from dlc players. In my opinion they have tried to keep us from you so we can't 'infect' you with our sense. Let me ask you a question. If destiny had come out as it is right now for £100 would you have felt ok with that? I don't think anyone would, it's so shady what they're doing.