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9/19/2015 6:51:34 PM
Trials of Osiris is an endgame event, introduced in House of Wolves. They never, ever stated it would remain only within that expansion... and to be fair, it was never really sensible to expect it would. Trials-- like Banner-- is essentially going to belong to those players who can reach the level cap. Maybe when they bring Trials back (and remember, they've said it IS returning after they make some changes to it) Y1 adherents will be able to play it. It won't really matter, though-- the light level difference will pretty much hose you. 170 max light to 290-300? It won't be fun and you know it. So it seems like you guys want some kind of completely separate Trials just for people who aren't buying Y2... do you think it makes any kind of sense for Bungie to spend that kind of money to build a separate thing just for people who've stopped spending money on the game?

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