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9/19/2015 2:27:14 AM
I'm just curious. What exactly would you want Bungie's solution to this to be? Allowing vanilla players to continue leveling beyond 34 isn't fair to people who DID buy the Taken King, and getting Taken King weapons isn't fair either. You'd be automatically excluded from (at least) half the Nightfalls now, and you'd be way too underpowered to run Trials or Banner now anyway. So what, exactly, is the solution you guys want? I see a lot of these posts, but very little detail in demands beyond "I want what I am entitled to"... I'm honestly curious to hear what you want them to do?

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  • What did they do in the last two dlcs? Boom

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  • Not that simple, and you know it. They placed DLC weapons and armor in the game for players who did not purchase the DLC. That is, quite simply, unfair. You didn't buy the new content, and you should not get it. It seems like Y1 adherents basically want Bungie to make another, separate game out of Y1... running on a different system from TTK. Because you couldn't possibly compete with TTK players in events like Banner and Trials given the light level difference. They consolidated the strike playlists and legacy Crucible playlist to put the small number of people still on Y1 together in the same events. There simply won't be enough people around to keep all those playlists populated, because the incredible majority of the player base has moved on to TTK. You do realise how silly your request sounds, right? You're basically asking Bungie to hold back the progress they're making in turning Destiny into a great game, just because a few people are too cheap or too reluctant to buy TTK?

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  • Not what im asking at all. Keep strikes, crucible, etc., at where they are now, and have non dlc people have the ability to earn legendary marks and level up TO AN EXTENT. Its what they did for tdb and how, why wouldnt it work now?

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  • The strike and Crucible stuff? OK, sure... but I think you'll find it'll be a ghost town for anything but Control and Clash. This is Bungie's way of keeping the other modes ALIVE for Y1 players. Because they couldn't stand alone anymore. The strike thing, I guess so. You're not getting much of a challenge-- and no useful gear-- from any of them anymore, but knock yourselves out. I expect Bungie might make that change, at least. But there is absolutely no reason-- none-- to give Y1 adherents access to legendary marks. The only events that drop legendary marks are events that non-TTK players cannot even enter. And the things you can buy with them cannot be purchased by non-TTK players, either. They are a feature of content you chose not to purchase. So why should you receive them?

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  • They could have kept it the way it was with the other two dlc's. You could still level your character to highest level but couldn't get all the gear. It was just harder to get there because you could do a nightfall once in a blue moon. There was only one raid to do (I have no dlc) but most importantly to most people, I think, is you could choose which playlist in crucible to play. Now your forced to play them all (clash, salvage, control...). Why could we not wait longer to find a game in the same playlist as those with the dlc for it to give a vanilla map? Why can we not level up with experience to? So that if you enjoy destiny you have to buy the taken kontent. It's very simple really but you all jump on their dîcks because you bought it so it must have been a good thing right?

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  • I'm not against them just because I have TTK. I disagree because I really don't understand how they imagine this is going to work. I really believe the reason they consolidated the Crucible playlist is to ensure players can actually find matches-- and don't forget, that affects TTK players too. It's not like I'm never going to feel the itch to play a few rounds of control on Y1 maps, but I've also played enough multiplayer games to know that consolidating game types isn't a bad way to ensure people can at least play SOMETHING. So I'm sort of OK with that. The level cap thing is weird. I get that they increased the cap in the previous DLCs, but you guys do understand that the level reeeeeeaaaaally doesn't work like it did before, right? The only thing level is good for now is to gain access to TTK legendary gear-- which you can't get-- and to do post-Oryx story missions-- which you can't do. The Nightfalls and heroics only require you to be 40 because they require you to be around 260-280 light, which again, without TTK armor, you cannot do. So what is the point in allowing Y1 adherents to level up? It literally will not allow you to do anything. It seems to me the only thing that is plausibly a legitimate concern is the strike playlists. And maybe they'll return them all to those people determined to sit on Y1. But TTK is honestly brilliant, and a massive improvement in a ton of ways, and if you're letting the fact that Bungie collapsed the strike playlist difficulties stop you from buying The Taken King then it seems like kind of a prat way to feel.

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  • No mate I have not bought a single dlc simply because they proved they were liars from the get go. I was expecting a brilliant game and it was just garbage. The story missions I mean. I liked crucible. But I expected so much more from bungie, they promised us a story emersive game world and we're all still gonna be waiting for that in 10 years. I've completely given up on destiny now because I can't play the game modes I want, I'm forced to play salvage and control etc.. but I do come on the forum's once a day, more if im bored, just in the hope they release a new patch putting this stuff right. I couldn't care less about raids or strikes I want pvp back. Your point about merging all the game modes together is ridiculous though. I would much rather sit there for 5 mins waiting to get into a game that is using a vanilla map than be forced to play all different game modes. Why would you need to merge them all? Simply to annoy vanilla players and separate them from dlc players. In my opinion they have tried to keep us from you so we can't 'infect' you with our sense. Let me ask you a question. If destiny had come out as it is right now for £100 would you have felt ok with that? I don't think anyone would, it's so shady what they're doing.

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  • I paid for trials in how why did they take it away from me?

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  • Trials of Osiris is an endgame event, introduced in House of Wolves. They never, ever stated it would remain only within that expansion... and to be fair, it was never really sensible to expect it would. Trials-- like Banner-- is essentially going to belong to those players who can reach the level cap. Maybe when they bring Trials back (and remember, they've said it IS returning after they make some changes to it) Y1 adherents will be able to play it. It won't really matter, though-- the light level difference will pretty much hose you. 170 max light to 290-300? It won't be fun and you know it. So it seems like you guys want some kind of completely separate Trials just for people who aren't buying Y2... do you think it makes any kind of sense for Bungie to spend that kind of money to build a separate thing just for people who've stopped spending money on the game?

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  • Lmao you act like I care, that was sarcasm. I dropped this game a while ago

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  • Sorry, didn't realise you were being sarcastic. Hope you're having fun with whatever you're playing now, dude.

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  • I am, it's warframe. What destiny wants to be, except they don't charge you for everything

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  • That's rad. I've heard good things about Warframe.

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  • They didn't take it it's coming back

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  • But we can only get to 34, how will that work VS 40

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  • The level won't matter. The ATK/DEF ratings of gear (light level) will. Y1 adherents can't go above light level 170. They're going to get mauled repeatedly.

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  • Exatctly, you still cant do trials.

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  • Not sure I take your point. Yes, in its current form there's absolutely no way you could be successful in Trials without TTK gear. Should it be different? We're higher level and have better gear, gear that we got because we paid for new content.

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  • I bought TTK, but I don't feel like it would be that hard to implement vanilla playlists, it's not like the coding isn't already there for it.

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  • I expect the reason there is a legacy playlist is more so they can herd the (presumably small and getting persistently smaller) Vanilla adherents into a decently populated area. Otherwise most of the modes and strike playlists would be ghost towns. Ever try to run the lesser modes from BF4's China Rising once the newer DLCs came out? You couldn't even find a server. I expect Bungie are just trying to avoid that.

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  • True but they could have gone with the highest currently available Playlist instead of dropping it down to 20 and making it useless.

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  • I guess so, but to be fair, it's all useless now. Xur has sold every single exotic in the base game by now-- most, twice or more. The only things you're not really able to get now are the Roc, Dragon, and Tiger specific weapons, right? And they already nerfed the only useful one of those.

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  • This

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