Well I am the voice of reason. You are the child that whines. And if you continue to whine you will get the belt
I am not whining. I am exercising my right as a consumer. Apparently your child-like mind is failing to see that. I hope you have never complained at a restaurant.... wouldn't want you to be a hypocrite.
Sure everyone grumbles. I'm upset my mida is trash outside the crucible. Doesn't mean I cry about it. You can either wait until black Friday for a possible deal or play it. At least my child like mind isn't an entitled POS.
Again, exercising your right does not make you a POS. In fact, I would argue not exercising your rights makes anyone an ignorant fool.
You have the first amendment right sure but your opinion is moot
This is more than freedom of speech and expression. When I state facts, they are not opinion. Stuff was locked away, this is fact.
Maybe for you not locked for me. How do you explain that?
that is the entire point of this thread.
Ur an idiot you know exactly why
I am not an idiot. The only reason Activision and Bungie did things this way, is they want to force purchases of their latest expansion. Lock away previously accessible content in order for people to have a greater reason to buy.
Boo hoo? You are missing out. It's like you started the game over again. It's great