Never have I played a game that removed content and put it all behind a paywall. This is a new low in the video game industry, and Activision and Bungie should be ashamed of themselves. I can no longer play the only things I enjoyed in the game, as they were all taken away.
I was thinking about buying TTK, but couldn't afford it just yet. So, I figured I would just do weeklies, play control, do some higher level strike playlists, and maybe some Iron Banner when it drops. Well, can't do any of that now. As a result of this under-handed business tactic, I will not be purchasing TTK, as I cannot support developers who treat their customers this way.
Now, before your even mention the EULA, know that there are consumer protection laws for some people, that prevent anyone from agreeing to an unfair contract, even if they previously accepted this agreement. And, I believe they are in violation of these LAWS, which the EULA is not.
*EDIT: for those interested, I have filed formal complaints with the BBB, as well as the Washington State Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division. I guess we will see just how far Bungie is legally allowed to take things, and if they are legally in the wrong.
As consumers, it is our right to complain of injustices, regardless of EULA's. Anyone refuting this fact is nothing short of ignorant. Now we will see what the law has to say.
*Edit: it's amazing how toxic this community is. It seems there is no camaraderie in this community, and people just resort to personal attacks at the first sign of someone having a different opinion, or a genuine issue with the product. Bungie, in my opinion, made a shitty decision, and showed they don't care for anyone who does not purchase TTK, and all the fanboy's can't see past their blind love for the game.
So I pose a question to everyone. Ignoring the EULA, what do you think of the way Bungie has handled this expansion roll-out with regards to those that have not purchased it? Put yourselves in their shoes, and give an honest answer.
*Edit: For those that care, the BBB complaint has been processed, and Activision has until October 02, 2015 to respond. Apparently hundreds of people have filed complaints against Activision for various games, with amicable resolutions. There is hope.
*Edit: just to clear a misunderstanding. I own the game and the first 2 expansions. I paid over $100 for all that just like everyone else. I don't want anything for free. I just want what I have always had... What everyone always had.
*Edit: So, Activision responded to my complaint, and had the following to say:
[quote]I understand your frustrations, I have dealt with other cases similar to yours. Unfortunately we are not in a situation to provide refunds or compensation. Unfortunately the only thing I am capable of doing for you is to pass along any feedback you might have. I do not know if this policy will change in the future. If there was more I could do, I would do it with no questions asked. For now if you have any more feedback please feel free to update this case along with your Gamertag/PSN ID. Thank you for your time and have a good day.[/quote]
They assume that all I want is money. I just want the features back. I already responded to them, and the BBB case. It seems Activision really doesn't care to solve the issue... big surprise there.
*Edit: For those that have not seen this. If Bungie is forced to do this, does that not mean their EULA was in violation of these customer's rights? They are forced to right a wrong, and have been given a reasonable window in which to address it. And yes, they are providing storage upgrades.
*Edit: To all those following this, I have just received a response back from the Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division of Washington State. They have reviewed my complaint, and deemed it appropriate to move forward. Note, this is a law office deeming this a valid complaint regarding the Consumer Protection Act. So, if they see this as a valid complaint, what right does anyone else have to label this otherwise? They know the law better than you.
*Edit: This may be my final edit. For those interested, it appears you can get a refund on your purchase by sending your disc into Activision, and requesting a refund. As per Bungie's EULA, if you do not agree with the terms therein, you are entitled to a refund. So, any guardians out there that don't agree with what happened, and would like a refund, just send your disc to Activision and request one. One final note, should you do this, Bungie will apparently delete your characters and Destiny account from their servers; you have been warned.
I was iffy about buying it but I decided too and I gotta say in my eyes it is worth every penny.. Great production value, and exploring the dreadnought blind was like reliving the glory days of metroid prime exploration on the game cube :) Happy days :)
I'm just curious. What exactly would you want Bungie's solution to this to be? Allowing vanilla players to continue leveling beyond 34 isn't fair to people who DID buy the Taken King, and getting Taken King weapons isn't fair either. You'd be automatically excluded from (at least) half the Nightfalls now, and you'd be way too underpowered to run Trials or Banner now anyway. So what, exactly, is the solution you guys want? I see a lot of these posts, but very little detail in demands beyond "I want what I am entitled to"... I'm honestly curious to hear what you want them to do?
If everyone like you left, the forums would be a beautiful and relaxing place where players could swap tactics and ideas with each other. It'd be great basically, please leave
Deep within the Forums, the ones who do not have The Taken King, are breeding powerful armies of Cry Babies to unleash powerful Salt upon the Earth and create an unstopable Salt Army. Find the pit where they live and stop any new topics like this from rising.
Can still do all the things. Nightfalls, dailies, weeklies are end game content. Why would you do it if you aren't at the end of the game
I agree with you
Still beating that dead horse huh?
Man, that's a lot of read. Muted
I wish you the best in this endeavour. Just remember, they have more money than you, as they are one of the biggest companies in the world. Don't get your hopes too high, but hopefully you get the answer that is right. Cheers, mate.
You think the government would care about this? Lmao that's a good one
You still have all that. The only thing you can't do is the nightfall and and the heroic strikes. They are for the new expansion paying public.
Shut up Felicia.
Im going to give you an example op. When the nepal aid shirt came out i was not able to buy it thus not giving me the shader or emblem. So when bungie actually gave people the shader and emblem(which they paid for) i was mad because Bungie is mistreating me because i deserve that emblem and shader, so i went and filed a complain because i am ignorant like you op. And you know what peoples reactions were when i told them, they laughed and called me a dumbass. But i chose to try and prove em wrong. Inspect me, do you see a -blam!-ING SHADER, of course not you idiot i did not pay for it thus i dont deserve what other people paid for.
For someone named dcrich ur pretty poor lol
What a crybaby. It's $40 dollars.
Now this is the definition of butt hurt. You sound a lot like the guy who sued McDonalds for spilling coffee on himself.. SMFH
All that time wasted filing complaints, yet you could have been scrolling the internet for a higher paying job to afford a $40 game...
Bungi only cares about money and that's all they will ever care about people need to stop complaining and just realize that you don't matter but your money does
I hope you get HIV one day
Maybe taking it a bit far but i get where u r coming from
Oh please, if it were all in the game from the beginning, nobody would have done the first 2 raids or the PoE. They'd be completely useless right from the start! Oh wait... They pretty much were anyway
Yeah good luck with that
U sound just like all the other crybabies. I'm sure if you were able to afford it right now you'd have controller in hand with nothing to say. Just quit destiny trade in your copy towards another game man. TTK is great. It's what destiny needed.
You spelled content wrong.
TL;DR OP crys and nobody cares. Just saying the same stuff every 10 year old kid has been crying about since day 1.
Quit crying dude