So yeah, the title says it all.
(No, I'm not an 8 year old crying for attention because I made a mistake. Just hear me out.)
Basically, I was running a strike and got half way through it until I picked up a rare heavy that had dropped. Having Sol Edge equipped, I opened my inventory, went to my heavy slot, and looked to see if the rare was any good. Seeing that it wasn't something I needed and at the same time noticing that I was needed in the strike, I hurriedly went about trying to delete it but instead I equipped the rare and held down the button to dismantle (because Sol Edge moved to the slot that the rare had recently occupied) and BOOM! Before I could take my finger off the button, It got dismantled into a ruin, some materials, and a few marks. Thinking to myself, you're an idiot. You're really an idiot. After I stopped staring at the screen in shock and horror, I went and finished the strike so my Fireteam (randoms) wouldn't have to wait on me.
So yeah, I'm feeling pretty stupid right now. Honestly, I wouldn't be so mad if I could get the sword back. Even if that means grinding for another hour. I would do it. But I can't. Because I can't get the quest again. I can't get all three swords unless I deleted a character. I don't want to have to do all the stuff again on one of my characters for the sword. I would though, happily do the quest again to get the Sol Edge sword back on my hunter. In the end, it's just a video game. But, I was already so attached to that sword that I felt sad when I saw it go.
I would really like to get all three swords and not have to re-do a character for something so simple as a few button presses/holds.
Could this be food for thought Deej?
Bump if you think that a second chance for the "Sword Quest" should be an option.
(I don't think that it would be a problem with people farming materials from it because of it taking so much time to complete. It really wouldn't be worth dismantling)
Monster Hunter - old
Isn't there a blueprint? -
Hey mate, I had a similar situation...I've dismantled the legendary sword a few weeks ago, simple because I didn't like it plus I actually needed a few marks to buy smth, anyway I've dismantled it before I found out about the exotic sword quest...was pretty pathetic and shame on me for that but manned up and deleted one of my fully upgraded warlock and started a new one, because that's the only way to get another legendary sword etc. In fact you can use a spark light which puts your fresh character on lvl 25 straight away.... After that you do the entire ttk story line, what takes a couple of hours. Once you complete it you'll be about 36 light lvl and then you can do some old story lines on heroic to get quick xp plus do some bounties as well. I only took me 4.5 hours to reach level 40 and one of my subclasses was fully upgraded. And yeah just before you delete your character make sure that you put all your good gear in to the vault and only leave uncommon or rare gear equipped. You're welcome
This is why Bungie implemented the "LOCK" function. They are no limit to how many you can lock, why are people still making this accidental mistake. Hope you get a opportunity to get it back
Edited by mandapicc: 10/26/2015 7:27:32 PMSo it doesn't go into blueprints? Edit: nvm it's the legendary version
Go buy it back from the weapons kiosk?
hmmmmm if only they implemented a Locking ability on gear.... That would be nice...
This has happened to me several times. I feel ya bro.
There's a lock button for a reason. Literally 1 button press could have prevented this.
I think you can? The abandoned mission kiosk near the vanguard lets you replay old quests. It might be there?
RangerVeare, Ya dun goofed.
I agree. I haven't deleted any of my swords but I obtained all three before trying to get any of the exotic swords. I then upgraded two swords to 280 light on the same character and now I can't get the Dark-drinker. We did all three knights at the same time because my two fireteam members were going for different swords than I was (It was stupid hard btw, I don't recommend trying it that way. Just do one or two at a time unless you're well over 300 light). I've tried switching the sword back and forth and the exotic quest never pops up. I assume raising it to 280 light is the quest trigger and maybe it would've worked if I hadn't already started the arc quest on my titan when I did it. Deleting a character and starting all over sounds incredibly painful. Even if I can just straight to level 25, getting all my classes upgraded would take forever. I still haven't finished nightstalker.
If you haven't finished the sword quest abandon it and it will start over I believe
Buy a 290 one from the kiosk. I know it's not 310 but it could do the job if you get it to 300. AND LOCK THE WEAPONS YOU LIKE THE MOST!
Bro thats a shame, truely sorry, but wou can buy another sword from the weapon kiosk, but it'll be 280....
Edited by Pixel Crisis: 10/26/2015 3:38:43 PMEdit: I was thinking exotic not legendary (my point is worthless) ... carry on lol ... Oh and as everyone else has said, lock your gear!
Can't you just buy another one from the blueprint kiosk? Also, lock that sh-t.
I lock every thing legendary, exotic and some high level rare's so they can be properly reviewed before dismantling.
Why didn't you lock it???
Here is a video showing all my Kings Fall Hard Mode Loot!!! Hope you enjoy!
Wouldn't it be cool if we could lock gear to prevent accidental dismantles?
You could have just locked the sword and then you wouldn't have even had to worry about accidentally dismantling it...
Maybe they should implement an option that allows us to lock gear so it can't be accidentally dismantled...
Edited by string24slinger: 10/26/2015 2:46:56 PMgo to the exotic weapon kiosk and rebuy it, woops sorry thought you said raze lighter lolololol youre screwed
if only you could lock an item to stop you dismantling it! :-/
I dismantled my impossible machines by accident. It was my only 310 gaunlets...
I once dismanteled a helm of saint 14 Y1 when it was Y1 got anotjer on from nightfall...