If there aren't any trees around to hear it?
Edited by Saudorr: 10/28/2015 7:36:06 PMYou can fap with one hand
Can I use your face?
Hit the tips of your fingers off your palm. Technically clapping right?
No. But I can fap with one hand. Same thing right? They sound the same. Therefore they must mean the same thing.
I clap with my thighs
I can clap with my genitals
Riddle me this. If Linkin Park plays in the forest, and nobody is there to hear it, in the end, does it even matter?
You'd be surprised ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I decide to rest my right hand palm-side-up on my desk. I only move my left hand and I smack my right hand, which produces a clapping sound. This means that I've clapped only using one hand. You could argue that I'm using both because I'm colliding one hand with the other, but please, get for real. If that hand is not being used by me, then I've only used one hand to clap.
yes with left [i]and[/i] right [spoiler]with those clapper hand thingies[/spoiler]
In between your legs [spoiler]just slap your knees[/spoiler] [spoiler]idk what you were thinking[/spoiler]
Yes, if you know what I mean [spoiler]fapfapfapfapfap[/spoiler][spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Yes. But only with my right hand -
You [i]can[/i] clap with one hand
ayy, classic Simpsons
I can clap with no hands.
Actuallly i can lolol
[quote]Fap with ONE HAND[/quote]
If a man speaks in the forest and no woman is around to hear him, is he still wrong?
It's called masturbating.
With my dick…HAHAHAHAHAHA…no
I thought the question would just be the title and I was about say "Its called fapping"
I can get the clap using none.
Damn it, Shiki. There you go again, making my brain hurt. [i]Staaahp.[/i]