1.) [b][u]"$40 isn't that expensive."[/u][/b] You're right. But that doesn't mean they want to spend it on an expansion.
2.) [b][u]"$40 [i]is[/i] too expensive."[/u][/b] It's really not. But no one is going to force you to pay it. That's always an option, and no one has a right to judge you for it.
3.) [b][u]"You probably love riding Bungie's cock/sucking Bungie's dick."[/u][/b] Do I really even need to explain why people need to stop doing this? You're only making yourself look like an uneducated moron. Just stop.
4.) [b][u]"If you do/use ____, you're a scrub."[/u][/b] Shut up. Play how you want. Stop worrying about how everyone else plays. You'll probably be happier that way.
5.) [b][u]"You're KD/grimoire sucks."[/u][/b] Do those arbitrary numbers really mean that much to you? Do they [i]really?[/i]
6.) [b][u]"TTK is a scam!"[/u][/b] If you don't understand how capitalism works, you need to go back to school.
7.) [b][u]"PS exclusives are bullshit."[/u][/b] Exclusives have existed for a long time. Sony paid for it. Get over it.
8.) [b][u]"I'm quitting Destiny."[/u][/b] No you're not. That's why you're posting on the forums. You aren't quitting and you want attention. And if you actually [i]are[/i] quitting, why are you posting it on the forums?
9.) [b][u]The word "Desticle."[/u][/b] I like the game. And obviously, so do you if you are here on a forum about it. What does that make you?
10.) [b][u]"I EARNED my ____."[/u][/b] Do I [i]really[/i] have to go into an explanation as to why RNG proves you wrong?
11.) [b][u]"Xurners are ruining Destiny."[/u][/b] In a game with no trade system, what exactly is Xûr ruining?
12.) [b][u]"Who spends $20 on class items and dance emotes?"[/u][/b] Anyone who wants them. Do you really care that much, or are you looking for something to bitch about?
13.) [b][u]Biased Polls in general.[/u][/b] You can have an opinion. But making a biased poll doesn't make your opinion a fact.
14.) [b][u]"I have a life."[/u][/b] So does literally everyone else. Bragging about your personal responsibilities doesn't make you better than anyone else. Get over yourself.
15.) [b][u]"Destiny sucks."[/u][/b] Then why are you here?
Got anything to add? Post yours, and I'll add it to the list.
Additions from comments:
[b][u]The term "sweaty" or "tryhard."[/u][/b] Some people play to win. Like you're supposed to in a competition. How is that a bad thing?
The Term: Squeaker
This guy gets it!
This describes every feeling i have about people on the forums on a 24/7 basis. Another thing that needs to stop are the petitions to nerf/buff/add/remove something. Yes, bungie may be reading the forums, but your "petition" isnt going to actually sway Bungie's plans on the mechanics of the game. Especially inmediate complaints on how difficult King's Fall is. You complain about how easy and how boring the old raids are and want Bungie to give us a challenge. Guess what, BUNGIE PROVIDED. King's Fall is legitimately the most fun, challenging, teamwork driven raid we have to date and you're now complaining about how DIFFICULT it is? This is in every aspect what the people asked for! I dont load up Dark Souls 2 and complain about how difficult it is or how impossible it is and beg the developers to make things easier for me. I nut up and learn how to play the game at that level. Rant over. Tl:dr - dont bother reading, just another rant.
[b]nerf[/b] Let's take away that word completely from the forums.
Xylar this, Xylar that, the Xylar raid, year two noobs will never defeat Xylar, etc
Bump to the 10th power.
Edited by Synsif: 9/20/2015 9:53:33 PMClaiming there is a "Master race." People need to understand that the classes senergize extremely well with one another and are all good in their own respect. Saying that one is more useful than others is like saying boys are better than girls or vice versa.
I wish I could like this thread more than once.
Saying [u][b]"Bungie needs to stop nerfing everything"[/b][/u] and then, [u][b]"OMG BUNGIE NERF THIS GUN ITS SO OP"[/b][/u]
[b][u]I just did ______ AMA[/u][/b] or [b][u]I just got ______ AMA[/u][/b]
People that call others sweaty tryhards are probably the same people that give out participation trophys. "you get a trophy just for showing up." that's what is wrong with alot of people. There's no competition, and when someone plays to win, then they are the bad guy. Suck it up, Nancy.
[b][i][u]"X" gun wrecks [/u][/i][/b]
[b]please stop doing this[/b] Ohmehgesh guise 46 replies let's keep this going WOW 59 REPLIES THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH WHERE 100 REPLIES!!!
I like this ^_^ Especially 4 and 8 lol. Thank you.
Edited by Ashikon: 9/20/2015 10:35:42 PMAshikon
Monster Hunter - old
These days in recruitment "[b]Must Have-[/b]" -
If there were more people like you the world would be in hell and not even know it. "Hey don't complain! Let people do whatever they want and just deal with it!" Don't want to see people bitch all the time? Tired of these forums? Maybe try to stop holding ur tiny dick and go out into the real world and get some fresh pussy.
Edited by XDVarenkor: 9/20/2015 10:24:23 PM[b]"Hope you crybabies are happy. Now people have complained, _______ is gonna get nerfed."[/b] - No it isn't. Complaining [i]may[/i] draw attention to a balancing issue, and Bungie [i]may[/i] review data and decide to rebalance a an item, but it's not something they're going to do lightly - and it's certainly not something they're going to do as a knee-jerk reaction to a small and biased player sample.
People should stop saying you're when they mean your.
8 and 15 make no sense. A lot of b.net veterans have left Destiny, but that doesn't mean they need to be restricted to only some subforums.
Compared to other $40 dlc,ttk is pretty lackluster
15. Is very wrong. This is b.net there is halo here to you know
Need 5 295+ for kings fall must have 7000 grimoire, 6 bags of unopened doritos, three cases of mountain dew, smoked weed with Willie Nelsons horse, and must be able to solo warpriest while your mom blows me. Thanks
Many of those things don't make sense, but that's none of my business.
Lookin for the point of this....
- Nerf this/buff that - Grimoire arguments - stupid requirements for certain things. - Complaints about overpowered items/classes Thankfully the one I really got tired of seeing isn't seen as much. I disliked seeing. "The Update We'll never get" posts so damn much because it was on every topic.
Well with number 10, you do technically earn your weapon regardless of RNG because you still completed an activity that rewarded you that gun or engram whether it's the first time you completed something or the 600th time. You still had to do some form of activity to get it, it wasn't just handed to you.