originally posted in:Xx The Wolfpack xX PS3
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Hey WOLVES I just want to say year one was An Amazing experience for destiny. Destiny brought an experience we Guardians couldnt get anywhere else, we met new friends, shot awesome guns, got our first exotic guns and armor, laughed watching people fail doing raids or killing themselves by accident, shed blood and tears in trials of osiris and became a WOLF in the Wolfpack. A growing community that I started just 2 months ago so no one would have to face these challenges alone. So no one would have to search the destiny forums for a team and have them leave or play with them once and never again. So you guys and gals can have true destiny brothers and sister to back you up! No matter what and build a relationship with each other to have fun. I'm so proud of my admins and you WOLVES for helping me grow these groups and clans. We will one day be the best destiny community there is. I will always work my hardest on my groups and won't ever give up on you WOLVES.we will continue doing YouTube videos and other media that will get better and better. We will still have scheduled events and activities always. I will never let THE WOLFPACK be a dead empty forum list full of random people. We are all a family and we will have each others back!. Year two is finally here! So this is where THE WOLFPACK TRULY BEGINS THE JOURNEY TO BECOME THE GREATEST DESTINY COMMUNITY. Never be afraid to ask for help, always invite new Guardians to become WOLVES and always come to an Admin if you have a problem. My goal for year two is for all of my WOLVES to be happy and satisfied they are in the right group and clan. I want to be able to ask anyone in the group what they think of the clan and have them say this is the best experience they have had. REMEMBER WOLVES YOUR OPINIONS MATTER. if you guys have any ideas for the group and clan to help us improve please share it with myself or my admins we will get back to you as soon as possible and see what we can do to make your experience better!;) Thanks WOLVES xXSaydeXx out!
Can't say any better than that :)